Chapter 8

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I wake up crying the next morning. I had a nightmare, Foxy was dying, he was running, being chased by something, and at the end, Puppet killed him, and I couldnt save him. Because I was paralyzed. It was like, I was watching him dream myself.
I arrive at school the next day, and enter homeroom. Violet is sitting at her desk, reading a book.
"Where is everyone?" I ask her.
"Training out back with Puppet and Vincent" Violet says.
"Thank you" I say, running around to the back of the school, confused as to how I am late.
I arrive at the back of the school, looking around for Foxy. I look up, seeing Foxy flying around everywhere, making it rain on us. He leaves trails of light after him that fade away slowly, and Puppet has a stern look on his face.
"Puppet" I say to him, starting him.
He raises an eyebrow at me.
"If I hear you or Marionette beat Foxy one more time you're both dead" I growl in my deepest voice.
"Pffft, you dont even know what my element or power is." Puppet rolls his eyes. "Foxy!" He calls.
Foxy flies down and lands beside him, "sir" he nods respectfully.
"Why dont you and Bonnie train together. If one doesnt hurt the other by the end of the morning.... well Foxy knows what happens" Puppet grins mischievously.
Me and Foxy wink at each other, "YeSiR" we say.
"You have a whole crowd waiting" Puppet says.
Me and Foxy wink at each other.
"Do you know how to use your element to fly yet?" Foxy asks me as we walk into the field.
"No, but I hope to learn soon" I flash him a smile, and he winks again.
"How fast a learner are you?" Foxy asks.
"Slow" I say.
"Ok" he says. I wink at him.
Puppet stands with his arms crossed, staring intensely at us.
"So we have to hurt the other by the end of the morning, right?" I ask Foxy.
He nods.
"What time is it right now?" I ask.
"Nine thirty am" Foxy smirks.
"I see, so we have two and a half hours" I say.
"Correct" Foxy says.
"Do you have stage fright? I know I dont" i ask.
"No. I dotn have stage fright" Foxy says.
"Sooooo, pretend nobody but us two exist for however long we want?" I ask Foxy, winking at him.
"Fuck yeah" Foxy laughs joyfully.
I make our lips collide, sticking my tongue in his mouth. We breathe in each others oxygen supply, our noses bumping into each other.
"Foxy!" Puppet shouts.
"YOU BEAT HIM AGAIN YOUR DEAD" I scream back at him, before kissing him Foxy again.
Foxy parts again, "what if I just showed our classmates how bad Puppet is right now" Foxy giggles.
"What if I just show you my abs right now" I joke.
"Let's remove our shirts, I'm sweating" Foxy says loudly, as an excuse.
I hear girls squeal about that, after just watching us make out for five minutes.
Me and Foxy remove our shirts at the same time, earning ten billion gasps from several different people.
"FOXY!" Puppet yells angrily.
"Fuck you have more abs than me!" Foxy says, running his hands through his crimson red hair.
I glance at Puppet, "I domt think Puppet wants to hide a certain fact anymore" I wince.
"Alexa, play Little Game by Benny" Foxy jokes.
"Foxy come here you little bitch" Puppets voice is really close and it makes me jump.
I shove Foxy behind me, protecting him.
Puppet laughs evily, "how the fuck is a small wind element gonna go up against me".
"Theres only five elements" I roll my eyes.
"What if I told you I dont have an element" Puppet sneers.
"I told you not to fuck with him, Bonnie" Foxy says, fear clear in his eyes.
I put my shirt on, preparing to fight Puppet.
Suddenly Puppet comes at me, full speed. I gasp, blowing as hard as I can. He fights me with wind, suddenly a bright light flashes at me and i only just dodge electricity. Puppet frontflips over me, kicking my back, making me stumble.
"Dont you dare underestimate me" I hiss.
I I jump up in the sky, using my element to boost me, and knock Puppet out.

After school...

"Hey Foxy" I say, as he comes into detention at 4pm.
I got it after fighting one of the teachers, well, Puppet. Apparently he has the ability to do that and wouldn't hear me out.
"Hey. Ready for our date?" He asks.
I nod. I have no idea what he prepared for me.
Violet looks up from her desk at the front of the classroom, "you two are dating?" She asks.
I blush, rubbing the back of my neck, "well, not yet-" I say at the same time Foxy says, "its complicated".
"Oh my god I totally ship you two together! The fox and the bunny stay strong together" she says as me and Foxy leave quickly.
We get onto the bus and it starts moving.
"What's your favorite place you wish to be right now?" Foxy asks.
"Um, a valley with plush green grass, a river running through it, and a lot of colorful flowers" I say happily, just thinking about it.
"When did you move here?" Foxy asks.
"Why?" I ask, extremely curious.
"No reason" he says, bluntly.
"Ok.... I moved here for school. No other reason." I answer, hoping that's enough to satisfy him.
I zone out for the rest of the ride until we stop in a parking lot. Half the bus gets off and same with me and Foxy.
"Do you trust me?" Foxy asks.
"With my life" I say, staring into his glowing yellow eyes.
"Close your eyes, I'll guide you to the destination of today's date" Foxy whispers in my ear.
I nod, shutting my eyes tight and covering them with my hands. Foxy places his hands on my shoulders and I walk forward, legs shaking.
Foxy laughs, "calm down Bonnie! I'll warn you or steer you away if you're in any immediate danger like stepping into a dip in the ground".
I laugh nervously, but I keep walking forward. Suddenly a bright light blinds me even with my eyes closed.
"Open your eyes" Foxy says excitedly, I feel the warmth of his hands leave my shoulders and I sense him walking to my front.
I slowly open them, taking a moment to adjust to the light.
I'm standing before my dream place.

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