"You're coming with me, baby." He took a hold of my arm and started to pull me towards him. 

Right as I was about to scream for help. Someone stepped in. 

"Watch who you're calling 'baby' you fucker." My eyes turned towards the deep voice and there stood the same person.. or should I say, vampire, from that night. 

Many questions started filling my head, but I was relieved that someone is saving me from this man.

"Are you her boyfriend or something? If not, fuck off, before I hurt you." The stranger said. 

"Oh, I'm more than just her boyfriend, I'm her husband." He said with a smirk.

My what now?!

I have never met this person before, other than that night! And that alone was not a good first impression. But I can't complain, when my ass is being saved from a creep bastard.

"No you're not. If you two are married, then where is the ring? Just fuck off already." He replied, he pulled on my arm once again. 

But he was stopped when the guy who was saving me grabbed him by the neck. 

"It seems that you have chosen death. Well...fine by me." The man's hand let go of my arm and he tried to pry the hands that were choking him to death. 

My eyes widened at what was happening. Despite being glad that he was saving me, I didn't want someone to die in front of me. 

"Stop! Please! Don't kill him!" I stepped in. 

I noticed his eyes were turning red. I gasped and tried my best to stop him before he kills the man.

"Please stop.." I pleaded, looking into his eyes.

He looked at me and let go of the man. The creep stumbled on the floor, scared for his life. 

"Y-you...you're n-not human! You're a monster!" He pointed towards the guy who just saved me. 

"Want me to show you my real power?" He replied with a glare. 

"I'm l-leaving!" He got up and scurried away.

I looked at my savior and he turned to me. 

This time I could see his face better, it was not dark, unlike the last time we met.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. 

"T-thank you." I mumbled. Still feeling a little bit scared.

"Let's get you home before other bastards start showing up." He said as he grabbed the bags that fell down on the floor. 

"Oh, you don't have to that, I can carry them myself, they are heavy." I said, trying to get the bags from him.

"I think we both know that I'm not human, I can carry these with ease, you don't have to worry about that." He said with a small smile. 

"Thanks, I guess." I couldn't help but smile at his words.

The whole way back was quiet, it felt awkward, so I tried to start up a conversation. 

"So, you're a vampire, right?" I said looking at him.

"Yes, I am." He answered still looking ahead. 

Great job Y/N, what a conversation 

I wanted to ask about that night, but I didn't know how to say it.

"About that night..uhm, why did you- I mean, how- ugh, I'm so sorry." I internally facepalmed at myself. 

"No, I have to be the one to apologize for what I did, I couldn't hold myself." He looked down.

"Uhm, thanks for not killing me." I muttered. 

A chuckle escaped his lips. And wow, his laugh was so pleasant to listen to. 

Eventually we made it to my house and before I went in, I turned to look at him.

"Thanks for saving me back there...uh" I just realized that I didn't know his name. 

"You can call me...Corpse. And you're welcome, be a little bit more careful next time." He said, a smile appearing on his face.

My heart started to quicken its pace, and I can feel the heat on my cheeks.

"Will this be the last time I'll see of you?" I asked, hoping that it won't be the last.

"It doesn't have to be, just say my name out loud and I'll be be there the next second." Another smirk appeared on his face. This man really knows what he is doing huh?

His words didn't fail to make me blush once again.

"O-oh, okay...I'll head in then, goodbye." I waved at him.

"See you soon baby." With a blink of an eye, he was gone.

I tried to process what just happened. "Baby?!" 

Did he just call me baby?

After reading the comments from the previous chapter, a good amount of you have requested for a second part. So here it is! Hope you enjoyed it, I tried my best to write it out, (it's like late night where I live in, so I apologize for any errors made)

Other than that, I have also seen many of you interact with one another, and honestly it makes me so happy <3 I love how you all are making new friends and talking to one another! So sweet ^_^

Thank you all for reading!

Corpse Husband X Reader [oneshots]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora