Chapter 8

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George's POV

   "Tommy!" Tubbo semi-yelled, holding up the new plush. We were in the car starting to head home. Sadie had a bell, Dream had fruit that he would occasionally share with me, Technoblade had a fake sword, I had headphones, and Tubbo had a new friend, who he named Tommy.

   Tommy was a plant-fused bull.

   I expect chaos when we get home.

   This is like taking care of children.

   "Darryl and Zak are coming over in 37 minutes. They are going to be really surprised when they find out about you six." I said, lowering the radio volume. "Technically seven now. Even though we just got.... What was his name?" Said Techno. He's been looking out of the window ever since we got back in the car.

   "Tommy! His name is Tommy!" Tubbo exclaimed. He seemed a lot happier and way more confident. "Yeah, even though we just got Tommy." Techno continued. We were at a stop light, 'bout 3 minutes away from home.

   "Here George." Dream said, holding a grape on the tips of his fingers.

   I WANTED to take the grape from his hand and eat it. What I DID was eat the grape out of his hand.

   I ended up being a blushing mess the whole rest of the drive home.


Technoblade's POV

   We were home at this point.

   Tommy was in his human form and was talking to Tubbo, Sadie was watching TV with Demo, George and Dream were talking, and me and Fundy were sitting on the stairs of the house.

   We were comparing ships. Our favorite? Gream. George was to oblivious to think that Dream had a thing for him. Vise versa with Dream. "Do you think that they will ever get together?" Fundy asked me. "With the blush across their faces? They won't get a hint. Do you think that Sadie and Demo will end up together?" I say, "They're pretty close together on the large couch George has." I pointed toward the couch.

   There was basically no space between them. Plus, Demo was leaning on Sadie's shoulder.

   I bet that they're switches.

   "Obviously! They are soooo cute together!" Fundy was basically bouncing in his place. His tail started to move back and forth and his ears started twitching.

   "Calm down Funds. We need to play matchmaker. I say we make 'Gream' come together." I said, standing up from the stairs. "'Operation: Gream Official' is a go." Fundy whispered to me.

   Then we started planning their beautiful demise.


Tommy's POV

   "So you guys just hang out in this house? That's pretty boring, don't you think?" I say, picking a flower from my arm and giving it to Tubbo. "Yeah! It does get a little bit boring, I will admit. But, George is really nice and he always suits our needs!" Tubbo said. He happily took the flower and put it in his hair, to which 3 bees came out of his hair and took from the flower.

   He flapped his tiny bee wings in excitement. I could tell he enjoyed my company. He was a bit clingy, but I didn't mind it.

   "Didn't the human say that he was bringing friends over? Shouldn't we hide or something?" I say, looking around the big living room. "No, his friends are bound to find out about us eventually. We've been with the 3 for years." Tubbo said.

   I couldn't help but notice a small tint of blush printed on his freckled face. He was probably shy or embarrassed or something.

   I would be lying if I said we kept talking to each. He was pretty quiet. He was also pretty. We sat in silence majority of the time. Every now and then, I would grow flowers in my hair, arms, and legs. Tubbo's bee's would fly over and take the fresh pollen from them.


Dream's POV

   He looked so cute... I could feel my heart burst with every word he said. I definitely wasn't paying attention to whatever he was saying.. Only his beautiful looks...




   "Wha-?" I had snapped out of my trance with a soft hit to my face. "Did you say something?" I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "Never mind... Are you hungry? I have some apples and watermelon in the kitchen." George said. "Fruit!" I say, running toward the kitchen.

   "How much do you like fruit Dream?" George said, biting an apple. "I love them! It's one of the main things I can eat. There is barley any food in the 'Dream World'. I say. I picked up an apple and washed it off. "Apples and grapes are my favorite in the fruit category though."

   "That's cool. Oh, and sorry about the whole grape thing in the car.." George said, looking down. Why does he look so guilty about that? "It's fine. I wouldn't mind if you did it again to be honest...." I whispered the last part. "Are you blushing?" George asked. It was so out of the blue. "W-What? Why would think that?" I say wipping my tail in my hoodie pocket with my hands. "Your mask. You said it changes based of your emotions, right? Your mask is blushing.. So.. Are you blushing?" He said. "Yeah.. I am. I can't help it."

   That was a lie.

   I could help it.

   I just didn't want to.


-895 words. Why did this take so long? Idk. Blame school.
          -XxPotatoWolfxX ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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