Chapter 3

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Dream's POV

   It was really dark, that is what you get in the early stages of sleep. He's almost in REM sleep; might as well start looking though the memories.. I started checking though the memories, 'Nothing out of ordinary. Just happy, sweet settings. But I might as well stay around just incase..' I think to myself, sitting down in one of the comfortable spots of the brain where I can still look at the dream for safe measure.

   REM sleep kicked in quicker than I thought it would.

   The first few minutes of the night went well: Georgie walking and talking with his mother and who I assume to be his father. Then a nerve was hit.

   Turns out that there was a memory I didn't look at because of a Brain Barrier. 'Seems like I have get rid of this one manually...' I thought to myself, charging up some of my power.

   As soon as Georgie's parents walked out of where they once stood, the room changed blood red, his parents in the corner of the room, bloody and in terrible shape. A dark hideous creature stepped behind Georgie.

   Luckily, I managed to put a shielded barrier around Georgie before the demon could put a finger on him.

   I could tell Georgie was going to wake up soon, seeing as the dream started fading away. I got out of his head before he woke up.


George's POV

   I woke up quickly.. And in cold sweat.. I've never had a dream like that... 'What the heck was that!?' I think as I frantically look around my room. Once I calmed down a bit, I decided to get up and out of bed.

   I grabbed a flashlight that I used when I was reading and Dream. I turned on the flashlight and held Dream closed to my chest, slowly walking to and opening my bedroom door.

   I flashed my light where ever I looked. Once I took note that I wasn't dreaming and that this was reality, I took a breather. I tip-toed to my parents room, leaning my head towards the door, hearing nothing but muffled snores coming from inside.

   I walked back to my door. I paused before going back inside, just to calm my nerves a but more. I was still shaken up, but not as much.

   "Dream... You wouldn't believe the dream I had... Ironic huh? I should give you a second name so this won't get confusing.." I whisper to my plush, holding him in front of me. "I think 'Clay' fits you just as much as 'Dream' does." I say as I start walking back in my room. I set Clay/Dream down on my bed and line up Sadie and Demo next to him.

   "I had the WEIRDEST dream a few minutes ago." I say to them as if they were real people, still whispering as to not wake up my parents.

   After exchanging my thoughts and dream with the fake animals, I cuddled with all of them as I layed back in bed. "Let's hope my next dream will be better, goodnight my little plushies." I say to the animals. I was already slightly asleep but I could have swore I heard a quiet "Goodnight" from them.

The Next Day

George's POV

   I wake up to a faint "Wake up George..." and a slight shaking to my body. I flutter my eyes open, to see my smiling father. "Good morning George, are you ready for homeschool?" He asked me as I slowly sat up.

   "Mmm... Good morning dad.. Give me... Like... 10 minutes and I'll meet you down stairs." I say rubbing my eyes.

   I could tell mom had went to work due to the faint smell of sunset perfume as I stepped out into the upstairs hallway of the house.

   I walked to the bathroom to comb my messy dark brown hair and brush my teeth. I walked back to my room and grabbed an outfit from my closet. It was a blue shirt with a white rectangle in the middle and a thick red outline surrounding it, along with some black jeans.

   I did plan to go outside to play with Zak(Skeppy) and Darryl(Badboyhalo) today when I was finished.

   I walked back to the bathroom and took a shower. When I was finished I put on my outfit, went back to my room to grab a pencil, some paper, and a pen, grabbed Demo and left my bedroom to head downstairs.


Dream's POV

   When Georgie left the room with Demo, closing the door behind him, me and Sadie stayed in plush form until we were both sure that he was gone. You could say that we we're 'The Real Life Toy Story'.

   As we got into our human forms, Sadie spoke up. "So... You have a second name?" She asked. I assume she hasn't heard someone give something a second name. "Yeah, it's Clay. But I'd still rather be called Dream." I said. "Okay then, Dream. We have a few hours to ourselves before we go outside." Sadie said. I tilted my head slightly in confusion and I think Sadie caught on. "Oh! Two friends of George are coming over to play with him, George takes us outside whenever he goes outside."

   "Is that his name? 'George'? I've been calling him 'Georgie' since I met him." I say as I finally get off the comfy bed, helping Sadie up off the bed. "That is just his nickname. His parents call him that often." She said. I mean, it made sense.

   For the few hours we got to talk, we didn't talk about much. When we did talk to each other, we just talked about life in George's house. It's been pretty peaceful from what I could tell of it. I mean, George seems to love everything in the house, living or not.

   It's now around 2:30PM, George woke up nearing 9:00AM. Sadie told me that George would come to get us at 3:15PM since that's when he didn't have homeschool.

   I think that I'm going to love it here...

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