I know I can treat you better

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I like this song! :3 highschool AU!

Castiels POV

' i hate seeing that witch with him. ' I thought to myself As I Watched Lisa, the Perfect pretty girl that got every guy at her feet. My best friend Dean winchester was.. with her aswell but I noticed how unhappy he looked, he was basically used as a Trophy.. my best friend is an amazing football player, basically because his father wanted him to be manly.

" Excuse me.." dean said as he Untangled himself from Lisa and started walking over towards me.

I smiled and scooted on the small bench to make room for my 3 year crush. " Hello Angel" dean said smiling at me as he sat down. " When will you stop calling me that?!" I joked and Playfully Hit his shoulder causing him to laugh. " When you stop being so amazing" dean said Blocking my hits.

I blushed Slightly praying that it wasn't noticable. " How are things going with Lisa?" I asked. Dean looked at the ground. " Shes....overly happy.. and.. I don't really feel...." Dean drawled on. " This is gonna sound selfish but.. I feel uncherished.. I feel... Unloved.. and.. I feel bad because she's So happy.. and I feel I should.."

I Wanted To yell at the ungrateful brat and rip her a new one. " No." I said simply causing dean to look at me confused. " Your not selfish, you should feel loved and cherished in ANY relationship! You shouldn't feel bad because she's not treating you right!" I said. " I wish we were in a relationship because I'd treat you like a king!." I added and immediately regretted it.

Dean looked at me surprised. " You..do?.." i gulped. " I.. I've got to get home, my.. mother wanted me to do the dishes" I had said quickly and got up before dean could say anything. I quickly walked out the school with tears in my eyes thinking that i just ruined my Friendship with dean.

Bit of a Timeskip! And 3RD pov!

cas was laying in bed, his phone on the nightstand. " What did I do.?..." Cas asked his voice a bit hoarse from Sobbing and his eyes were tinted red from crying, then he got a message and He saw who it was.

New message from
My best friend.

Cas looked at the Phone for a moment then decided to click on it.

Angel?.. you alright?

Cas grinned slightly at the Message, he was always so caring, cas decided to speak his heart and Went on YouTube and Sent some lyrics.

I won't lie to you I know she's just not right for you.. and you can tell me if I'm off but I see it in your face when you say that she's the one that you want... And your spending all your time in this wrong situation.. and anytime you want it to stop.. I KNOW I CAN TREAT YOU BETTER THEN SHE CAN

Cas sent the message his heart beating out of his chest, as the minutes went by cas felt fresh tears in his eyes.. had he screwed up that bad?. Then he heard a knock on his door, his mother had gotten it but he couldn't hear the conversation.

Next thing cas knew he heard quick footsteps coming up the stairs and Cas sat up and looked at his door then someone knocked. " Wh..who is it?" Cas asked, his voice showcasing how much he had cried. " It's Dean..." He heard his best friends gentle voice and he felt hope and fear rise in him.

" The doors always unlocked.." cas muttered bringing his hand up to his face to wipe the tears in his eyes. He heard his door open but kept rubbing the tears out so he wouldn't have to look at dean. Dean sat on the bed and gently grabbed Cas's wrists and pulled them away from his eyes. Cas Hesitantly looked at him.

He was greeted with a Kind smile and Was pulled into a hug. Cas Wrapped his arms around his Friend and Quietly Sobbed into his shoulder. Dean only gently rubbed his back and kissed his neck. " I broke up with Lisa.. " dean told him. " Yo-you did?" Cas asked. " Mmhm" dean hummed and pulled back slightly and Held Cas's face in his hands. Cas looked at him With a questioning, but loving look.

Dean then gently pressed his lips into Cas's, catching cas off guard but cas kissed him back as soon as his brain caught up with his lips.

After they pulled away cas had a huge Smile on his face. " Now, how long have you wanted to do that?." Dean asked smiling back at him. " 3 years.." cas muttered and Dean gasped. " either I'm a complete idiot or your an amazing actor" dean said before pulling cas into his lap to hold him.

Cas smiled and leaned his head against his chest. " I'm not a convincing liar! You know that!" Cas said and laughed. Dean chuckled and kissed his head. " already a few minutes in and I feel Alot more loved then I ever did with Lisa" dean said causing cas to smile. " I'll be sure to make sure your treated the best." Cas promised and kissed his jaw.

Now they've been married for years.. and cas kept his promise, even when things got tough or they were mad. They still made sure to treat each other right.

I hope you liked this update I thought it was adorable!

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