i WILL protect him.

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Punk!cas nerd!Dean! Au they are teens btw!

Dean was convincing his father that Castiel was an amazing boyfriend, but the homophobe Was NOT listening " I don't care how he treats you!! I DONT want another disgusting homosexual in my Family!" John yelled in dean's face, dean meanwhile was starting to tear up.

" He treats me better then you EVER will!" Dean Said the tears running down his face as he started to walk towards the door. Mary was listening outside the door and she was disgusted by john. Dean ran outside and started to cry... A few minutes later Dean pulled his phone out of his pocket. ' Cas?... Are you awake?' he sent a message to his boyfriend.

A few minutes of crying later, he got a response. ' Yeah? Are you alright?' dean chuckled ' physically-' dean's typing was Interupted by john storming outside and Throwing a quick punch in deans face. " you ruined things.. you always do..'' john spat and walked back inside.

Dean, holding his cheek, erased the message and retyped it. ' no.. please come over.. I need you..' he sent it and awaited cas. 10 minutes later he heard an engine growling and saw a black motorcycle with red Finishings and saw his boyfriend Riding it. It soon stopped at dean's house and cas gently let the bike rest.

Cas ran over to dean, a Brown leather jacket on along with Blue jeans. " Dean!? What happened!?" Cas asked falling to his knees infront of him looking at his slightly bruised cheek. " My f..father.. I.. was trying to convince him to meet you and.. he g..got made and Yelled and I ran out here and he had thrown a punch my way.." dean explained.

" I'm gonna kill him." cas Said not meaning it of course. Cas gently helped dean up. " If you want me to meet him, I will." Cas said Wrapping an arm around dean. Cas stomped inside the house where John and Mary were yelling.

" HEY!!" cas exclaimed causing them all to look at cas. " How Very DARE YOU hurt dean! And then you PHYSICALLY hurt him!" Cas screamed at John, who looks nervous now. He gently pushed dean away and stomped towards john. " I don't know you! But I know enough that You are Just a Child abuser! If you EVER hurt dean again I Will Show you how it feels!" Cas continued yelling at John who nodded vigorously.

" I-im sorry!" John said covering his face. " and you're a coward aswell.. Can't handle a threat when it walks into your house." Cas said and Scoffed and turned around and walked Towards mary and Dean, both of there jaws open. Cas looked at Mary " It's nice to meet you as well Mrs Winchester " Cas said Politely to Mary " I'm.. sorry about all the yelling" cas said a bit shyly " Oh sweetie it's no problem, he definitely deserved it" Mary reassured him.

" C'mon, I'll take you both on a ride on the motorcycle" cas said And dean Beamed " You're the best!" Dean told him and cas chuckled and they all walked outside. Cas picked the motorcycle up and Looked at Mary and Dean. " Who wants to go first?" Cas asked. Mary pushed dean forward a bit " Dean should" Mary said and cas smiled. He got onto the motorcycle and patted the spot behind him. Dean excitedly Went over and got on aswell. Cas Turned the engine on And it growled to life.

" Arms around my waist" cas told dean who Immediately wrapped his arms around him. Cas Then Took his feet off the ground and started the motorcycle completely and they started speeding down the road, the motorcycle purring along the way, accompanied by dean's Giggling.

Uuuhhhhhhh I'm sorry? Ówò I honestly didn't forget about it. Just.. ran out of ideas and motivation to write. I'll still be writing I'm not quitting.

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