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April 21

Hospital in Washington DC

Dear Cyrus,

I am here in the Good Samaritan Hospital, resting after my fall from the museum rooftop. Zoe visited me, but I have a feeling our friendship won't be quite the same again. Erica, and her sister, Trixie, also visited me. It disturbs me that Zoe was so easily hoodwinked by the CROATOAN.

Speaking of which, while it appears the CROATOAN has been brought down, and their plot Operation Downfall, I still have a few concerns.

For one, Murray Hill was involved in an evil plot once again. Wherever there is an opportunity to gain, help an evil organization, or make a life of a spy difficult, Murray Hill is not far behind. He has corresponded with the CROATOAN and provided the explosive for Operation Downfall. Murray Hill is on the run again, and I have a strong feeling I will see him soon.

I am concerned for my parents, because even though they were placed under the Federal Witness Protection Program, and DADD, they still managed to get captured by CROATOAN, along with me and Mike. We all escaped, thanks to Mike sneaking some explosive in his underpants, and we had a good time pretending we couldn't hear former Agent Durkee, aka El Capitan, but things could have still easily gone south. Even though my parents were good at running away from bad guys as well (an essential trait for spy survival), I'm sure they don't want to live on guard for the rest of their lives.

There should also be a better way for detecting double agents other than DADD. There were hundreds of SPYDER moles, and they would still be moles in the CIA without the fall of SPYDER. Once, during evil spy school, Ashely said that to be recruited to SPYDER, you had to be the 'Cream of the cream of the cream'. The CIA should probably have a similar screening process, to examine any possible act of revenge against someone in the CIA. Take Warren, who became a SPYDER agent, just because he believed I 'stole Zoe away from him'.

And finally, a matter that concerns you the most- your grand-daughter, Trixie. Her wonderful, normal world may collapse. She is starting to suspect that me, Mike, Zoe, and the rest of her family are spies. Several times, after Erica left my bedside, she would be standing in the doorway, looking thoughtful, like she heard part of our conversation about CROATOAN.

Thanks, Agent Ben Ripley

My first chapter, only ~400 words. It's just a letter, I will make the next chapters longer.

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