Rengoku x reader

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(Y/n) was the sweetest girl Rengoku could've asked for. She love his love for food, his bright smile, and his determination to do anything. She loved him and stayed with him through thick and thin.
He loved her the same, everything about her. Her sweet smile when she killed a demon, her praising him when he killed a demon. He always got her gifts, sometimes the kakushi had to help carry all the gifts he got her.
But all good things must come to an end
"How did it come to this?" Rengoku cried. He shut his eyes afraid of reading what was right in front of him. He couldn't accept it... he just refused to.
"KYO!" (Y/n) cried. She gave him a big hug, which he slowly returned.
"I gone that long my love!" He smiled
"It felt like forever!" (Y/n) cried. She kept ranting until Rengoku kissed her to shut her up. She turned so red and her faced burned so hot, you could cook an egg.
"I'm glad to see you too." Rengoku said with his warm smile.
"LOVE YOU KYO!" (Y/n) smiled widely.
I should've appreciated the smile while I had it
He picked her up and spun her around, her laughter, sweet music to his ears.
End of flashback
He looked up, the tears rolling down his cheeks like a river. The tears abstracted his vision when he wiped his eyes in a failed attempt to clear them.
"Feeling any better Kyo?" (Y/n) asked. Rengoku got sick after Akaza, but (Y/n) managed to save him. Though he'd become very sick, his heart became weak.
"I'm sorry (Y/n), but I don't think I have much longer..." Rengoku cried. (Y/n) lost that bright smile and started breaking down, all those feelings she'd been holding in, came crashing out. Rengoku's heart broke seeing her cry and he embraced her. His embrace was just as warm, even though he was slowly dying. She kissed him when her eyes showed she got an idea.
"I love you Kyo don't you ever forget that." (Y/n) kissed him passionately on the lips....
For the last time
End of Flashback
He finally read what was in front of him...

Rest In Peace
(L/n) (Y/n)
Wisteria Pillar

Forever You will Live in Our Hearts

He burst into tears seeing it
"Why did you do it? Why did you... I wasn't worth it!" He cried out to no one.
He put his hand on his left side.
"Good new and bad new Rengoku." Shinobu said with swollen eyes.
"What's the good news?" Rengoku asked.
"You got exactly what you needed, and is getting better!" Shinobu said with fake optimism.
"Good! Where (Y/n), I need to tell her the good news!" Rengoku smiled. Shinobu broke down hearing her name again.
"I-I'm so s-sorry R-Rengoku, I-I tried to s-stop her!" Shinobu wailed.
"What do you mean?" Rengoku said worried.
"You got what you needed... a new heart..."
End of Flashback
Rengoku felt the steady beat, her heart, beating perfectly in his chest.
"Your heart beats inside me, and forever will you be in our hearts." Rengoku cried.
"I love you so much (Y/n), and thank you for giving me your all, even your heart."

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