Tokito twins x depressed reader

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Thank you @strawberryboop for requesting!
The twins and (Y/n) had been friends for a long time. What they didn't know was that she had depression, she always cut herself, but hid it with her haori. They became pillars together, she loved them both, and wanted to date them. She thought it was selfish and always doubted herself. Before she knew it, she had hanahaki desease.
Present time
(Y/n) and the twins were having a conversation about favorite food, when (Y/n) had this itch in the back of her throat.
"Be right back." (Y/n) then used her Hashira speed to go to the nearest bathroom. She coughed up (f/f), they were covered in blood.
"Shit." (Y/n) said before vomiting blood and petals. Mitsuri heard what was going on and went to check on her.
When she walked in her heart broke, "Who is it?"
"The twins." (Y/n) mumbled. "Don't tell them, they dint need to know." Mitsuri reluctantly nodded and hugged her.
(Y/n) then got up and walked out her estate, and found a box. It was simple with the carving 罰 on the top, she knew what it meant, punishment. She opened it and inside was a simple blade, she took it and started cutting her arms. The pain was agonizing, but she loved it, it distracted her from her problems. She cut up her arms and on her thighs, blood was pouring from her wounds.
While she was cutting she heard it, "They'll never love you, you deserve this punishment." She never knew what this voice was, it only pushed her to cut more. Once she'd figured she was satisfied she cleaned the blade, and out it back into the box, and put it in the hiding spot. The twins never knew about her cutting and she intended to keep it that way. She cleaned herself up and out on her haori to hide the blood soaked bandages. (Y/n) was getting to go out when she felt agonizing pain in her lungs. She knew it was the thorn squeezing her lungs, but she ignored it and acted like everything was okay.
"CAW (L/N)- SAMA! HEAD SOUTH MISSION WITH THE MIST PILLARS! CAW CAW." (Y/n)'s crow, (c/n), called out. She nodded and headed south to (town name).
When she got there she saw both twins waiting for her in the town.
"Hey guys!" (Y/n) waved through the pain.
They both waved back, "Where did you go earlier?" Muichiro asked.
"Nowhere dint worry!" (Y/n) reassured. The twins nodded and they set out to find the demon.
"Come back damnit!" Yuichiro yelled. They were in the middle of chasing a lower moon demon, who was running away, fearing for their life.
The demon all of a sudden turned around and said, "Blood demon art: Mental Thorns." The demon used it on (Y/n) and her mind flashed to her worst nightmare.
In (Y/n)'s mind
"Hahahah, you really think we'd love someone like you." Yuichiro sneered.
"B-but, I though-
"We'd never love someone like you." Muichiro said coldly. They then spat at her and walked away. (Y/n) broke down in tears. It felt like her mind was throbbing and pounding at her skull.
"Outside of (Y/n)'s mind)
The twins slaughtered the demon, and (Y/n) was released from the blood demon art. She was crying and breathing heavily, her lungs were on fire. The thorns digging into her lungs, making it excruciating to breath, her throat felt the same way. She tried to get away from the twins when she started coughing violently, (f/f) and blood flowing out. The twins watched in horror, they'd heard about hanahaki disease, but she'd never shown she'd had it. Her haori fell off of her shoulder and all of her cuts and scar were in plain sight.
They ran to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry (cough) you have to (cough) see me like this." She was coughing violently and the twins hugged her and set her head int heir laps. They all knew she wasn't to going to make it, "I'm sorry, I have to leave you, I know I promised to never leave, but I'm afraid I have to. Just know I always loved you two." She used the last of her energy to kiss them on the cheeks, when her hand fell.
"No, NO! (Y/N)!" Muichiro yelled. They were feeling horrid for not realizing how much pain she was in.
(Y/n) watched in spirit form over them, (Y/n) cried and the twins started coughing. At least that was what she hoped, but no, wisteria petals flew out of their mouths. Each one covered in blood, blood dripped from their mouths.
"You never gave us a chance to tell you, we love you too."

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