Giyu x Male! Reader

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Giyu and (Y/n) had just come back from a mission, both of their faces sorrowful. Today was the day Sabito died, and they were hurting.

Giyu was the one with the most sorrowful face, seeing as Sabito died right in front of him.

Not even Giyu's boyfriend, (Y/n) could cheer him up... seeing as he was hurting himself.

Both Giyu and (Y/n) were both holding their katana's with heavy hearts.

(Y/n) opened his mouth to say something, though he couldn't think of what to say and just shut his mouth.

"It was my fault... wasn't it." Giyu broke the tense silence. (Y/n)'s head whipped to him, eyes widening in disbelief.

(Y/n) stopped walking, making Giyu look back at him. (Y/n) was staring at the ground, making a shadow cover his whole face.

Giyu was a bit freaked out by his boyfriends silence since (Y/n) was usually loud and joyful.

Thunder then struck in the sky, causing a deep rumble to sound in the sky. It was clear it was going to rain soon, which seemed to be the appropriate weather for what they felt.

(Y/n) caught his attention when he was shaking his head, Giyu would've said something, though he was frozen.

"You don't get it... do you." (Y/n) looked up, and what shocked Giyu was the tears streaming down his face. Giyu had never seen (Y/n) cry, not even when he heard Sabito died.

"Get what?" He asked.

"You don't get I'm hurting too." (Y/n) whispered.

Though instead of being understanding Giyu's face turned angry, "You just don't under-

"NO!" (Y/n) yelled, which made Giyu flinch. (Y/n) has never yelled, much less at him. "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! YOU ALWAYS SAW YOU'RE SO LONELY, WHEN ME, YOUR OWN BOYFRIEND, IS RIGHT HERE?!?!" (Y/n) yelled in rage, the thunder and lighting striking as soon as he finished that sentence making (Y/n) look more intimidating.

Giyu looked down to the ground like a scolded puppy, "AND I MISS HIM TOO!" (Y/n) yelled, his voice cracking. "YOU THINK I DON'T?!?! MY OWN DAMN BROTHER IS DEAD! AND THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT!" (Y/n)'s voice nearly gave out on him near the end.

Giyu lowered his head even lower, not wanting to look his boyfriend in the eyes. Giyu didn't realize how he'd been neglecting (Y/n), even though he was always there for him. Giyu's eyes welled with tears, though he wouldn't let them fall.

There was a tense silence, till another strike of lighting hit. All of a sudden the rain started to pour on them, making the tense silence worse.

Though there was a sound that traveled even louder than the rain, making Giyu's head snap up.

It was (Y/n)... laughing. Giyu gave him a quizzical look, confused why he was laughing.

Rain soaked their clothes, and soaked their hair.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes were closed and he was facing the sky. Rain poured down his face, mixing with the tears.

Giyu then broke down, not being able to hold back. He ran fast into (Y/n) and made them fall onto the ground, Giyu crying into (Y/n)'s chest.

(Y/n) smiled tenderly and patted his head, Giyu kept crying.

"God I wanna feel again... oh god I wanna feel again." Giyu whimpered.

But then (Y/n) lifted his head with his fingertips, before tenderly getting up.

Somehow (Y/n) was still hugging him once they were standing. Their foreheads were placed together, while Giyu's deep blue eyes looked into (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

Giyu swears he could stare into (Y/n)'s eyes for hours, and got lost in them. (Y/n) could say the same about Giyu.

(Y/n) then pulled Giyu by the collar into a passionate yet soft kiss. Giyu wasted no time to kiss back, savoring the sweet taste of (Y/n)'s lips.

Once they pulled back, the rain was still soaking them, though Giyu avoided (Y/n)'s eyes.

"I...I'm so sorry." He cried.

"Look at me." (Y/n) gently ordered. Giyu did just that, and saw a gentle smile on (Y/n)'s face. "God... how did I get so lucky with you?" (Y/n) stated at him lovingly. Giyu bashfully tried to hide his face, though (Y/n) stopped him. "You know what?

Your cries of pain were heard from no one
Your tears dried upon your cheek, not wiped away
That feeling of failure seeping into every part of your body
Yet, all I see is a warrior
Someone who will let their sadness be the reason they make it on top tomorrow
Do not drown your feelings...

It's all about dancing in the rain."

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