˚✧₊⁎chapter 3⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"life without love is not life at all."
-leonardo da vinci

"i refuse." said the crowned prince

the thrown room looking as if it was out of a fairytale. the sun was out and the morning was beautiful, cloudy skies along with a warm breeze. it would cause any child to whine if they had to stay inside instead of venturing out to explore the land they called home.

"your majesty! please reconsider!" cried the duke

the duke was 59, soon he would need to rest and he himself knew so. for when that is to happen he needed to make sure his precious legitimate daughter was safe and had her future planned already, it was always the same that the daughter marries someone of higher status to rise the families social status, that's how it's always been.

"i said. i. refuse." this time an asserting tone is how he spoke, firmly and gritting his teeth making eye contact with both the duke and his daughter.

"b- but you said we would marry each other" said the dukes daughter in an almost whisper, soon streaks of tears came from her icy blue eyes.

"honey.. please don't cry.."

the duke went to bring his daughter in for a hug but was instead met to face a kick in his gut.


the dukes daughter began pushing and shoving everything that she could, her face becoming red with her hair all over the place.

"v- vivian dont"

the duke grunted while getting up trying to calm his daughter down.

"how filthy."

the crowned prince looked at vivian on the floor and despised how pathetic she looked, crying over marriage. walking over to her figure sitting down on the floor with her head down he soon reached her and stopped. vivian looked up to meet the green eyes she adored. she adored his everything, she wouldn't care if he was as ugly as a beggar or as gorgeous as a god. his curly hair covered his eyes while he soon stooped down to her level. hanging onto her shoulders he gripped them a little too hard and leaned into her ear,

"i'll say this once and i'll say it once more, you are not the one i need."

with that he got up and walked away, not once looking back.

"why must love be so cruel" whispered vivian,

her voice cracked in the middle and even more tears began bursting. the only pieces she had left of her heart were shattered.

meanwhile ( )


you were in a bit of trouble right now, apparently no "creatures" were allowed to enter the cabin you had decided to sleep in.

"as the sign says it's just not allowed."

"he's not even a creature!"

"well i'm not even getting paid, yet here both of us are."


before you could finish the teenage girl had beat you to it,

"-listen lady, it's either you let that thing stay somewhere else, or you both stay somewhere else."

𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝗼𝐝𝐬Where stories live. Discover now