˚✧₊⁎chapter 7⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
that then i scorn you change my state with kings." (sonnet 29)


let me out....

with a flash of white that illuminated and blinded you, you were then opening your eyes.

soothing music could be heard and you were in the process of focusing your eyes.

you were laying on plush material that felt heavenly as you heard the peaceful sounds.

"are you awake?"  a soothing voice called out gently.

finally regaining your composure you got up and looked around your surroundings, there was a pinkish grey sky with beautiful white clouds. it seemed as though the clouds stretched out for eternity with nothing but emptiness. the music seemed to be coming from nowhere as the notes hit your ears, a calming aura surrounding you making you overcome with bliss.

"i thought you were raised to be mindful, tayja."

the soothing voice called out again but this time it really caught your attention, "who are you.."

you looked to your left and right trying to figure out who had called you, "so that's what it took to catch your attention. how interesting."

you were terrified. being in an unfamiliar place with a mysterious voice calling out to you. even if the voice sounded pleasant you never knew. "how do you know my last name."

"because i am the one who named you, child."

your eyes became big and you finally realized where the voice was coming from, you looked behind you to see a beautiful women.

she had dark skin that shone beautifully, and white hair that glowed. her hair radiated some pink shines that followed the white and her eyes were also white, she had a calm aura surrounding her and she was staring right at you.


"it's just as i said, i am the one who named you."

you looked at her confused, what does she mean she's the one who named me..?

"that's not true, my parents are the ones who named me."

you looked at her with your voice seeming to be trying to reassure yourself, you had a look of confusion and fear.

as you stared at her she soon smiled, a beautiful giggle immersed from her lips and it sounded euphoric.

"what if i am the one who created you, hmm?"

she stared at you with a smirk, although she seemed to be elegant she still looked to have a mischievous side to her. just because she says she is who created you, you knew better then to trust a complete stranger.

"where am i?"

you needed to get out of this place, although gorgeous you knew that beautiful things sometimes have sour insides.

"leaving already? you just got here, stay, just for a while."

she raised her hands and out came a tea set, it looked to be decorated with jewels and shone brightly under the light.

𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝗼𝐝𝐬Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum