˚✧₊⁎chapter 2⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"love goes toward love, as school-boys from their books, but love from love, toward school with heavy looks." (act II, scene ii) -shakespeare

your small cottage was in the middle of nowhere, it wasn't that you didn't like people, it was just that you liked nature more than people.
next to a forest full of animals and flowers, streams and rivers all over, and peaceful mornings were what you adored. the kingdom you lived in was called,

"The Kingdom of Amour."

translating into

"The Kingdom of Love."

you lived near two villages, one of them being the capital of your kingdom called "Valley of Roses",
although it was farther you have only been once. it was when you were a child, your mother was born there. she was the one who made your cottage, she created it and was the original owner of it, you both lived in it and your childhood memories consisted of you and her playing outside, her teaching you how to garden, teaching you school, different languages, cooking, magic, you learned everything from her.
she originally lived in it but, now it's you. when you visited the Valley of Roses you had met many children your age, you cried and sobbed when it was time to leave.

thinking back on it you were such a sensitive child. crying over spilled milk, crying if your mom looked at you in a different way, crying when you had to cut off a flower from its stem, saying things like, "it's hurting the flower mama!" but one thing is that it molded your personality today, you now were gentle, caring for anyone and anything, your heart was made of glass yet you had it on display for everyone.

while you were in your daydream you felt water drip onto your feet.

"oh no!" you squealed

you drop your watering pot and jump from the sound it made, your night dress flowing in the breeze with your hair. you were watering plants outside and had gotten so lost in thought you began setting down the pot and had gotten it all over the floor along with your feet.

"i guess the roses get more water today"

you grab the watering pot and began walking up the steps, it was now 2:43 p.m, the sun was out and butterflies were having a ball, some dancing in the wind, while others were basking in the rays the sun provided. the sky was full of clouds, taking shapes of miscellaneous things, some being hearts, some animals, other just blobs of circles. having to get your day started, your plans consisted of the following:

1) water garden + other plants
2) make breakfast
3) feed cupid
4) pack
5) eat cake

step by step you walked up until you were met with your doorframe, opening it you were met with cupid in a ball sleeping, stopping and taking a moment to appreciate how peaceful your days were you resumed with your plans.

first step, make breakfast.. or i guess lunch!

you opened your kitchen cabinets and began looking for what you could make,

potato soup?


veggie wraps?


tuna sandwich?




for some reason it didn't please you thinking of having yogurt by itself.. plain old yogurt seemed so bland.. fruits!
you could add fruits and almonds to your yogurt, so that's what you did. grabbing a wood bowl you scooped your yogurt into it, adding strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and almonds. when you were done you opened a drawer to look for a spoon and put it into your bowl. grabbing a spoonful of yogurt, some almonds, and two blueberries you plopped it into your mouth.
while chewing you began looking for lettuce, cucumber, and some mint. once you found all three of your items you washed each making sure no bugs or dirt were on them, carefully you began putting them into a bowl and set it onto the floor, cupid would soon hopefully wake up and waddle on over to eat his meal.

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