Nashi~Let's Play Some Games Together- Part 4

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Sometimes you can just tell a game isn't meant to be played alone. And this of all things was definitely two-player. I sighed, replacing the controller in its original position. I leaned back into the chair feeling it contort behind my back. I felt my eyelids slowly close, aka, blinking. It was an odd thought to me. Most of the time people are completely unaware of the fact that they are in fact blinking. But the moment you realize you are, it's as if your eyes can feel your eyelids, and now suddenly, you aren't blinking right. Exactly like that, there is constant noise in my heart. A never-ending static. Well, most of the time. I knew there were times in which the static was nowhere to be found, yet I once heard that the whole static thing wasn't exactly normal, so I chose to think that perhaps I'm simply dying; Google would agree.

I heard the door slowly creek open. "Fancy seeing you here." A familiar voice said sarcastically. "Did you get lost again, or are you here by choice?"

"What are you? My stalker? It's like I see you everywhere."

"Is someone..? Avoiding the question?" Rantaro's face relaxed a moment before he once again formed a smile.

"Here on accident, but I used to love gaming when I was outside of this killing game." I sighed, "it sucks to see how bad I've gotten, y'know?" 

He nodded in response, "I don't remember doing much gaming before I wound up here, but it was always a fun release whenever I did."

There was silence a moment as if neither of us would like to interrupt the other preemptively. "So then, why are you here. Surely not to gawk at me."

"Definitely not. Just heard from a friend of a friend that you were running around with the -stupidest- look on your face. I was hoping to see it for myself you see."

I sent a glare in his direction before he shook his head. His eyes relaxed a moment, once again peering off to the left.

"So anyway..." I picked up one of the controllers on the table in front of me, "care to play?"

"Ah, I see what's happening here." Rantaro cross his arms and leaned on the door frame once again. "Caprisun-Chan, you were just waiting for me to come save your ass because you totally suck at this game." Rantaro pestered.

Have I gotten to know one of the ultimates well enough for them to give me such a childish nickname; Even if it was probably to make fun of me. Honestly, did someone as useless as myself even deserve to be talking to someone like him..? Someone like him pestering me like this. Whatever, I shouldn't be thinking like this...

"You're quiet." Rantaro grinned as I sighed, anticipating the worst. "Would you prefer Koolaid-man banger?" 

"Y'know what? Fuck you." I tossed the controller his direction, "take a seat loser."

After looking at the title of the game we were about to play he simply sat down. 

Controller in hand, Rantaro took a seat beside me, yet again, peering off to the left. There was a bittersweet look planted on his face; Nostalgic like he was experiencing the best deja vu known to mankind. I called his name to break the chain of silence. "Rantaro?" I asked. He shook his head lightly and blinked furiously. "Are you alright Rantaro?" I sat back down on my half of the couch.

"Hm, I'm fine, I was just- um- thinking about all of my travels." He said quickly.

"Maybe you're like the ultimate traveler or something like that. You were pretty deep in thought about it, you must really miss it."He only grinned, glancing at his knees, "Yeah something like that... C'mon let's kill some zombies," He winked as we turned on the console.

We played the game for a little while, and I never expected Rantaro to be so good. He was so carefree, it almost didn't matter how badly I sucked.

"Finally, we beat the game Rantaro!" I pulled him into a quick hug out of excitement. "I was beginning to think the game didn't have an end!" I chuckled. Quickly realizing I had just hugged Rantaro out of nowhere, I let go and took a step backward. "Ah-hah I'm sorry, I just was happy...about...winning.." I trailed off. 

Rantaro chuckled at my antics, "It's okay," He pushed the air away with his hands once more.

"You have a cute laugh. I mean, if that's not weird or anything." I deadpanned.

"A laugh you'll never be hearing again now that you've said." He said walking out of the room and shutting the door behind himself in a sarcastic manner. 

We stayed like that, separated for minutes. Until I finally decided to exit the room. Where he was found to be waiting outside for me, once again leaning against the wall.

 "Wanna watch a movie with me?" He pondered.

"Yeah, sure I guess since it was your idea... You can choose." I shut the door behind myself. Taking a second to glance at his face, slightly tinted pink.

"Nah, it was my idea, so you get to choose the movie." 

"Alrighty then, how about, the Thursday the Thirteenth series then."

 " Then I'm happy to work with ya pard'ner." He chuckled.

"I should stop calling you captain, and start calling you, Sherif...."

Rantaro POV

I can't let anything get in the way of me ending this killing game; Would winning be a better term. But that said, taking a break sounds... Fun; And I could really use that at this point. "Would you maybe want to watch a movie with me?" I inquired.

"Yeah, sure I guess since it was your idea... You can choose." I wasn't sure how to put it into words just yet, but being around them, made my heart feel quiet. 

"Nah, it was my idea, so you get to choose the movie."

"Alrighty then, how about, the Thursday the Thirteenth series then." They asked, voice filled with anticipation. (You guys' comments literally killed me, here take a kith).

" Then I'm happy to work with ya pard'ner." He chuckled.

"I should stop calling you captain, and start calling you, Sherif..."

"Was it that bad..?"

"Yes. Yes, it was."

I'm so incredibly sorry about the short chapter ;-; I swear I swear the chapters will get longer- and less cringy (hopefully)

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I'm so incredibly sorry about the short chapter ;-; I swear I swear the chapters will get longer- and less cringy (hopefully)

Thanks for dealing with this, and take a kith :3

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