Chapter 3

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Harry- I smirk looking up at him "you know you have been a very naughty boy"

Ron- "Harry please let me go"

Harry- "or what?" I say sitting down in his lap wanting to laugh as he tried to get off the wooden chair and out of those ropes

Ron- "anything, I will do anything"

Harry- "oh I don't think so because I know your dirty little secrets, about how truly of a good friend you are as you play along pretending that you aren't totally using me for my money, oh don't make me forget how you are helping your sister to put love potions in my drinks making me love her when truly that's won't ever happen because I will tell you want Ron, we are going to play a little game" I say cutting his cheek with my dagger

Ron- my eyes widen with fear "what game?"

Harry- "a game behind the true eyes"

Ron- "what game is that?"

Harry- "where I punished you and make you feel the same I have felt my whole life" I said  stabbing two knife into both of his leg next to my thighs "oh this is going to be fun"


Ron- I gasp sitting up awake looking around the room in panic but no one was wake. I set up shakingly walking over to his bed and opening the curtains seeing that he was asleep. I let out a breath in relief as I let his curtain settle back into place as I don't notice the smirk on his face when I am not looking as I go back to bed wiping my forehead from the sweat of the nightmare. I lay back down looking at the ceiling trying to get back to sleep but it doesn't last long until the darkness comes again

Harry- I chuckle when he is asleep "one down, more to go"


Hermione- "are you okay Ron?"

Ron- I nod "yeah just didn't sleep well last night"

Ginny- "Nightmare?"

Ron- "yeah but it was about Harry"

Hermione- "oooh what did you do to him?"

Ron- "not to him but what he did to me, I woke up in a chair tied up he was saying about how we betrayed him while cutting my cheek and then saying about a game, a game behind the true eyes before stabbing me in the thighs with knives then it just kept getting worse from there, it felt really real"

Hermione- "oh don't worry it was a nightmare there called by the name for a reason of course also Harry doesn't know anything he is completely oblivious to our games"

Ron- "but what if he isn't?" I mumble to myself as I look over to him seeing him smirking at me before looking back to Neville and the twins as he laughs and talks to them


Harry- I walk into Potions sitting down when someone sit down next to me. I look up seeing Hermione "what do you want Granger?"

Hermione- "can't I sit with a friend?"

Harry- I look around "I don't see Ron or any other friend you are one about here"

Hermione- "oh grow up, so what we didn't send letter to you and we didn't believe you about the tournament, stop being a baby and forgive us"

Harry- "oh that's not what I am angry about"

Hermione- "then what are you angry?"

Harry- "oh you know and you definitely will know soon, sweet dream Granger after all it seems as if Ron didn't have a good one" I say seeing shock and worry in her eyes before she moves away

Hermione- I sit down next to Ron "may be your dream actually either did happen or some how Harry did get in your head some how when you were dreaming creating a reality he wanted"

Ron- "so you believe me?"

Hermione- "of course" I say as we both then look over to Harry seeing him writing probably note or the method of the potion off of the board



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