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Here's a double update! I couldn't keep myself from writing this chapter today too, so enjoy! By the way, my best friend MaddieMartella1209 just joined and she's going to be posting her own Harry Potter fanfic here soon, so go check it out! And also, go ahead and check out LionHeartDoxa for his amazing story! Anyways, onto the chapter! This one gets intense!

Phineas and Isabella walked down the brightly lit hall, looking around for anyone who looked nice or like they could help. They passed a few security guards who gave them a couple of weird looks, but shrugged them off and continued walking.

"Phineas, are we going to be caught?" Isabella asked softly. 

"No, we won't. I won't let it happen. We do have to find someone, though..." he whispered in reply, looking around. Suddenly, a person reached out and grabbed their arms, pulling the two into a dark closet. The two kids gasped and Isabella was about to scream when a hand covered her mouth.

"Shut up! You're gonna get caught!" a girl said, her face starting to become clearer as their eyes adjusted to the dark.

"Ew, it stinks in here..." Isabella whispered, plugging her nose.

"It's just the broom closet. Chill out, soldier. Do you want to get out of here or not?" she asked, and then Phineas' eyes widened when he recognized the face.

"You're... Emma, right?" he asked, and the girl nodded. "But, how did you get in here? Isn't it heavily guarded?"

"Well, yeah. But- and you can't tell anyone this- my mom is a server here, so I live here. I can help you guys. Nobody else knows, because if they found out, they wouldn't let me be part of the resistance, so you guys better keep your mouths shut or I might have to make sure you never get home." Emma scowled, and Phineas and Isabella's faces went red.

"Okay, okay! It's a deal. How do we get to the portal?" Phineas replied nervously.

"I'll make sure the coast is clear, and then you two need to come with me. And don't be so slow. You have no idea how dangerous this place is." Emma said, frowning.

"What's your problem?" Isabella asked, annoyed at the attitude.

"Excuse me?" Emma turned around rapidly.

"You heard me. Why are you so... mean?" Isabella said, then felt Phineas' hand on her shoulder.

"Don't make her mad, Izzy..." he whispered, and Isabella got the chills down her spine from the nickname.

"If you really want to know, I can tell you. It's because of people like you, who can't take care of themselves. I'm forced to take care of all of you selfish jerks that don't care about the rest of us. Now hurry, so I don't have to look at your faces anymore. I know, I know. I'm a bad person, whatever. I get it all the time." Emma frowned, and opened the door. "Come on." she said, a little softer.

Isabella could see the look on her face, and she recognized it. It was a look of pure sadness. She remembered that feeling, remembered when Phineas was The Beak and he wouldn't tell her anything. "Phineas, I'm going to talk to her." she whispered, and Phineas nodded reluctantly.

"Emma, I know you're not a bad person. We're gonna be stuck with each other, so I figure we might as well get to know each other. What's wrong?" Isabella asked, putting her hand on her shoulder.

The disturbed blonde looked her way and Isabella could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared as she went back to her closed off self.

Unforgettable Love - A Phinabella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now