Unraveling Truth

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As the two nemeses worked on the mind-patcher-inator, Phineas was starting to worry. He had never had deja vu that was this disturbing. It was so realistic, and he couldn't get it out of his head. Thoughts rushed through his head. Do I like Isabella like that? Does she even like me like that? Am I just imagining things?

He looked over at his brother, who was just sitting on the side of his bed, listening. It was almost as if Ferb could read his mind, because at that moment, he walked across the floor and sat down next to Phineas. He put his arm around his shoulder and gave him a hug.

"It'll be okay." Ferb said with a smile, and then walked back to his own bed. Phineas flashed him a smile and then crawled back under the covers and drifted off to sleep


The next morning, Phineas woke up in a good mood. He woke up on time, which was five minutes before he was supposed to get up, and thoughts of what he could do that day flooded his brain. His triangular head shot up from the laying down position and he grinned at his sleeping brother.

"Ferb! Wake up!" he laughed, throwing a pillow at the green-haired sleeping beauty in the other bed. Ferb got hit with the pillow and was immediately woken. He looked over at Phineas with his classic blank face, and Phineas hopped out of bed.

"What if we made wetsuits that would allow us to stay floating on water and we had a water race? Or we could make a dry aquarium! Like an aquarium but with land animals instead?"

Ferb looked at him with a funny expression.

"What?" Phineas asked. "Did I say something?"

His brother pulled up his phone and found a picture of a zoo. Phineas facepalmed and laughed his head off.

"Oh! A zoo! They already have those! Duh! Okay, but what about if we made a portal to anot...her... di..." he trailed off, and his face showed a look that he was deep in thought. His brows were furrowed, one eye was squinted, and his jaw dropped.

Ferb walked over to his brother. This had happened yesterday, and he had woken up with a new memory. This time, he didn't come out of his 'coma' even after a few minutes of waiting, waving his hand in front of his face, slapping him, and tackling him to the ground. Nothing.

Ferb raised an eyebrow and shrugged as he walked downstairs. He figured if Phineas wasn't up by the time he'd finished breakfast, he would come back for him.

Phineas woke up from being deep in thought about 10 minutes later. His head was throbbing, and he could feel his heart pounding.

"...mension?" he finished, recalling the major deja vu that had just barely come back to him.

He had remembered crashing into a weird looking purple building on the other side of Danville and finding a... pharmacist? He and Ferb helped the pharmacist man to fix his machine, and then they stepped into a portal, and they were in another dimension. Then, the vision ended.

Phineas groaned and walked down the stairs. His attention was diverted by his absolute favorite breakfast. His face lifted and he grinned. "Mom! You made quiche?" he exclaimed as he slid into the seat next to his brother.

Ferb looked at him and gave him a thumbs up. He looked at him as to ask, 'You okay?' Phineas understood the look and nodded. "Y-yeah... I'm okay." he said. He had an idea, but he wasn't going to tell anyone about it.

Linda cut up the quiche into slices and put each one on a plate. Phineas sniffed the surrounding scent of bacon, eggs, cheese, and they all combined into one magnificent smell.

"Mmm... this is the best breakfast I've ever had!" he smiled as he dug into his plate of food. Linda smiled and placed plates in front of everyone else at the table.

Unforgettable Love - A Phinabella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now