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"Ferb... Isabella kissed me." Phineas said, his eyes wide. 

Ferb raised an eyebrow as to ask, 'When?'

"Well, it wasn't today, but it felt so familiar. I could've sworn it actually happened, it was so realistic. You see, we were in this room and you were there, and Buford, and Candace and Jeremy, and Baljeet... anyways, Isabella asked if we would remember anything that happened today, and this man wearing green with an 'MM' on the front said no, and then she just kissed me! I don't know what to think! Did it actually happen or am I just dreaming? And why would she kiss me? She doesn't like me like that!" Phineas exclaimed, his face scrunched up. He looked like his brain was about to explode. 

From the foot of Phineas's bed, Perry awoke. He heard Phineas' weird dream and his head popped up in shock. How did he remember? Perry chattered and got down off the bed. 

"Where are you going, bud?" Phineas asked. 

Perry chattered again and left the room, heading to his closest secret entrance. It was late, so he had to be careful not to wake Candace or their parents. He place his hat upon his head and pinned himself up against the wall, side-walking along the wall to the bathroom. 

He pulled out a device and held it up against one of the unopening (or so the Flynn-Fletcher's thought) drawers to reveal a small opening. He groaned and rolled his eyes, squeezing in the small drawer, closing it behind him. 

The drawer opened to a translucent tube, and he slid down the tube. It was dark and the tubes weren't lit after normal OWCA hours, so he was sliding with no sight of his surroundings. A few seconds later, Perry landed in his red chair in front of the screen. Carl was half asleep in Major Monogram's chair, but he soon awoke when the lights turned on.

"Agent P, what are you doing here?" he asked with a yawn.


Major Monogram was asleep when he felt a buzz on his watch. He mumbled and sat up, looking at the watch. 

"Sir, Agent P is here." Carl said from HQ.

"What? Agent P, you're too early! We don't have a mission for you!" Monogram whispered, trying not to wake up his wife. 

"He says there's an emergency. It's about the mind erasing." Carl explained.

"Urgh... I'll be there ASAP." he groaned and got out of bed. He walked downstairs, hopped in his car, and drove to OWCA headquarters. He stumbled into the recording room where Carl was, and sat in front of the camera. 

Agent P chattered and Carl ran to grab his agent translator. 

"He says that one of his owners remembers some details about when they got their minds erased. He remembers the kiss that that girl gave him before we erased their memories." Carl explained, and Major Monogram's face was priceless.

"WHAT??" he boomed. "How? That isn't possible!"

Carl looked through his "Unpaid Intern Handbook" and found the section on erasing memory. "Sir, it says here in section 436B that if something important to that person happens within 5 seconds of mind erase, that single moment can create a loop into the erase and basically cause the effect to unravel until they remember everything. It's sort of like having a loose thread in a blanket."

"So... because she kissed him within 5 seconds of the erase, Phineas could remember everything?" Major Monogram clarified.

"Yes, sir." 

"Well then, what do we do? Erase his mind again? Well... we can't really do that or he won't remember anything from today, and we'd have to erase everyone's mind again. Is there a way we can put a metaphorical patch on it so he only remembers that one scene and it stays as deja vu?" he asked Carl, who frantically flipped through page after page. 

"Oh! It says here... 'If too much time has passed between mind erase and occurance of remembrance, one can patch the brain by creating a mind-patcher device.' The only problem is with this device, we don't have any of the right experience or materials to build it." Carl sighed and put the book down. 

Perry had an idea and put a finger up. 

"What is it, Agent P?" Major Monogram asked. 

He chattered another response. 

"Oh! Of course! Doofenshmirtz!" Carl said loudly. Perry looked for the cue that he could leave and when Major Monogram nodded, he hopped into his hovercar and zipped out towards the dark purple building. 

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated... After Hours!

Perry landed on the balcony and walked inside the dark room to find Doofenshmirtz sleeping. He ran over to the bed and started jumping on him. 

"NOO! TAKE NORM INSTEAD!" he yelled, jumping up. 

"You called, sir?" Norm appeared in the doorway. 

"Perry the Platypus? What are you doing here?" he asked. "It's the middle of the night, for crying out loud!"

Perry chattered and pulled out the page from Carl's handbook. He showed him the blueprint code. 

"You want me to make you an 'inator'? Aww, what an honor! See, you can use evil for your own good! Wait, that came out wrong... what I meant was-" Doofenshmirtz was proud of his nemesis for wanting something useful, but was cut off by an eye roll and a slap in the face. "Hey, what was that for? Maybe I just won't make you your 'inator'." he huffed and crossed his arms. 

Perry gave him an annoyed face. 

"Fine, fine, I will build your stuff! Oh, these are all simple parts! I have them in my basement. Come on, let's go find them!" he said, climbing out of bed with a stretch. 

"Sir, why did you call for me?" Norm asked again. 

"Nobody's talking to you, Norm. Go back to sleep mode." Heinz scoffed and he and Perry walked down the stairs. 

"Oh, okay sir." Norm said, his classic smile turning upside down and falling to the ground. He picked it up, placed it back on his face, and went back to sleep mode. 

The two nemeses reached the bottom of the staircase and Heinz flipped the switch, uncovering the piles and piles of spare parts and random knick-knacks. 

"Oh, you've been down here before! Yeesh, it's a mess in here. Oh! Look, how coincidental!" he said, pointing to a box labeled, Parts for if Perry the Platypus Wants A Mind Patcher Inator.

Perry looked alarmed at first, but then shrugged and walked over to the box. 

"Alright, Perry the Platypus, let's start this project!" the evil scientist said, grunting as he picked up the large box and started to walk up the stairs. He reached the fifth step and tumbled backwards, the box landing on him. "OOF! Ouch! Hmm... how are we going to do this..." he mumbled, scratching his chin. "Oh! NORM, GET DOWN HERE!" he screamed. 

"DAAAD!" an annoyed teenage voice called. 

"Sorry, sweetiekins! I'm helping Perry the Platypus with this!" he replied up the staircase. 

"On my way, sir! It's nice to be wanted!" Norm smiled and bounded down the stairs. "What do you need, sir?"

"Carry this box up." he said, shoving the box into Norm's arms. 

"It's my pleasure, dad!" Norm said, taking the box.

"I'm not your dad, for the last time!" he said, annoyed, putting his head in his palms.

Perry and Doofenshmirtz walked up the stairs and once they got to the top, they kneeled down by the box of parts. "Let's get this building party started! Norm, play Love Handel!"

Norm whirred and played "Giant 3D Scrapbook", and the other two got to work building the mind-patcher-inator.

Unforgettable Love - A Phinabella StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang