Rescue Mission

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Phineas couldn't fall asleep, he was still shocked by the occurrences of that afternoon. He looked at his watch that had cracked by the impact of being thrown on the concrete floor of the dungeon. 1:15am. He looked over at the other three girls in the cell with him. Isabella was tucked into the back corner in a little ball, and he couldn't help but smile at her peacefully sleeping, escaping from this horrible situation.

His eyes moved to Emma  next, who was sleeping on her side facing the door of the cage, her head in her hands. He had watched her cry herself to sleep, and he felt horrible for the position he and Isabella had put her in.

Vanessa was laying on her back with her hands under her head, acting as a pillow from the concrete. Vanessa had been surprisingly calm about everything, and he wondered what her mother had done to her to cause her to be used to this sort of thing.

All of a sudden, thoughts filled his mind. What if we never get out of here? Am I gonna tell Isabella how I really feel? I didn't even get to say goodbye...

He felt tears run down his cheek and buried his head in his arms, shaking and sniffling for a few minutes before he felt hands on his shoulders and a soft voice above him.

"Phineas, what's wrong?" she whispered, moving to face him. He looked up with a sad smile and wiped away his tears.

"I'm okay... just sort of confused." he replied softly, so as not to wake up the others.

"Confused about what?" she asked, plopping down right next to him and hugging her knees happily, just content with being with her triangular savant.

"Well, what if we never go home? I'm sorry for bringing you into this. I put you in danger. You must hate me." Phineas sighed, his voice becoming somewhat shaky.

"Phineas! I don't hate you! I could never hate you. You're my favorite person on this planet, AND all the dimensions. I'm just glad you're here with me so we don't have to go through it alone." she smiled, looking up at him lovingly.

"I'm... I'm your favorite person?" he grinned, his face lighting up.

"Yeah, of course you are." she assured him, and suddenly let out a large gasp. She felt a warm sensation on her hand that had been resting on the floor, and looked down to find Phineas' hand on top of it.

"Oh! Sorry!" he blurted out, removing his hand and blushing furiously.

"No! It's okay! Uh... just surprised me a little!" she exclaimed, and Phineas watched her face become as pink as her dress.

He couldn't help but smile at her awkwardly, not knowing what to do now. His hand-holding approach had failed miserably, and he didn't know if he was ready to kiss her yet.

Suddenly, they heard a mumble from the side of the cage opposite of them and looked over, surprised.
"Good morning, Emma!" Isabella said happily, receiving a death glare from the half-asleep girl.
"It's anything BUT a good morning, thank you very much." she muttered, rolling her eyes and standing up.

"Oh, don't be so negative! Maybe that's why you're so grumpy all the time! Just try looking on the bright side for once!" Isabella said, starting to get fed up with her attitude.

"I told you yesterday, don't get on my bad side. Shut up and help me find the keys." Emma said with a scowl.

Isabella looked at Phineas with a look that said, 'Can I punch the negativity out of her?'

Phineas just laughed because he knew exactly what she was thinking and shook his head, shrugging. She rolled her eyes and giggled before walking over to the gate to keep Emma happy for the while being. If they made Emma mad while they were locked in this cage together, they would probably be dead by the time they finally got a chance to leave.

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