Chapter 7: A Better Connection

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Later that evening, Sonia finds Gundham in the Diner sipping tea on his own. He doesn't notice her, but she speeds up and sits in front of him. He freezes up right where he was while he was about to take another sip, his eyes began to widen as he stared at her intensely. "Hello Gundham!" She waves with a smile. "I-I.. S-Sonia.. what are you doing here!" Sonia tilts her head as she notices him sink into his scarf. "Well I noticed you sitting here alone, so I thought i might join you, I hope I didn't interrupt anythi-" Sonia fidgets with her fingers, feeling embarrassed. "N-Not at all! I-It's truly a pleasure seeing you.." Sonia smiles and takes out a book. Gundham quietly groans as he felt his heart pump faster, his hands wear shaky and was extremely nervous. He then started to feel a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. He groans again. "I-I must go to the washroom-" Gundham runs into the bathroom without hesitation. Sonia looks up with a concern, and then goes back to reading her book. She notices Gundham left his reading glasses i top of the menu, so as a joke she takes them and pretends to use them. After 30 minutes of waiting for Gundham to get back. Sonia writes a note on the table, leaving the glasses beside it. 'Hey Gundham, I'm sorry I decided to leave early, I didn't mean to bother you. Love, Princess' Sonia sighs and heads out disappointed she didn't spend as much time as she wanted tk with Gundham. When Gundham finally come out of the bathroom, he reads the note and face palms, he felt terrible.

He started running for Sonia to apologize, and when he saw her he felt weak all of a sudden, but he did not stop running. "S-Sonia!!" Sonia stops and turns around to see Gundham running over to her. "Yes, Gundham." He slows down and tries to catch his breath, taking her hands and holding them close. "I deeply apologize for taking an insanely amount of time in the washroom. Please forgive me." Sonia smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "It still was nice talking with you." Gundham freezes again, turning bright red. "I-I.." Sonia giggles while she looks at Gundhams red face. She sighs and legs go of his hands, starting to walk away. "M-May I-I walk you to your cottage Princess.." She turns around and nods, she stands there and waits for him to catch up, she then holds his hand tightly as he blushes even more.

When they both make it to Sonias cottage, Souda snaps a photo of the both holding hands. "Here, my Dark Queen." He takes her hand and kisses it gently. Sonia blushes a bit and curtsies. "Have a goodnight Gundham." Gundham bows, "You aswell, Princess." When Sonia shuts the door, Gundham turns around and notices Kazuichi snapping photos with Mahirus camera behind a bush. Gundham suddenly becomes infuriated and stomps right up to him. "And just what do you think you are doing, fiend?" Kazuichi pauses in fear. "Uhh.. I'm just taking a picture of the view! That's all! I-I promise man.." Gundham pulls him by his ear and throws him into the water, taking the photos and admiring them. Gundham sneakily takes the photos and shoves them into his pocket. When he noticed soaking wet Kazuichi slowly rise up front the water, Gundham runs to his cottage and slams the door shut. He slides down against the door and looks at the photos closely, he holds them close to himself and smiles. He began to wonder why She would kiss him on the cheek, what makes him worthy of being kissed on the cheek, what did he do deserve it.

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