Chapter 5: Loads of Embarrassment

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The next day was a sunny warm day, Sonia woke up with a smile on her face, she thought about what she would do that day. She got up and got ready for the day as usual, and her another call from Souda. After a half an hour thinking on what to do, she realized that she just needed a relax day, a day to herself, a day where she could lay around all day reading books. She ignored all of the calls from Souda, she just read books all day on History, and Science. She read some fairytales, and books with a meaning or a lesson. She loved all types of books, every one of them. After hours of reading, she realized that she had run out of books. She realized that there was only one book left, and this was the book she was avoiding all evening. It was a book about Romance between a Princess and a boy on the streets. She was afraid of reading it because one, it was 8000 pages, and two, it reminded her of someone. She did not want to go out that day so she decided to skip the book and take a nap, she curled up into bed and fell asleep for about 5 hours. She woke up to the noise of yelling out her window. "Fight! Fight! Fight" Everyone chants. Sonia hops up out of bed to see Kazuichi and Gundham fighting once again. As always, Gundham was winning and Kazuichi was making a fool of himself, but Sonia noticed that it was different this time than it was other times. Gundham seemed more protective than he did confident. Was it something Kazuichi said? Usually Gundham does it for fun, but this time something was different, and why was it in front of her cottage? She had many questions, but she needed to stop this fight immediately. Sonia opens her window and yells outside, "My goodness boys! What have I told you! Stop it!" Gundham perks up all of a sudden and bows down to here and apologized. "I apologize truly my Dark Queen." Everyone looks around eachother as he said that. "Same here Miss Sonia!" Sonia then shuts her window and falls back asleep in her bed. As soon as she's gone, Gundham gives Kazuichi a five second count to run. Kazuichi bolts as Gundham sped up behind him. At this point Sonia wished that whatever they were fighting about was over.

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