Chapter 2: Sonias Confession

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When Souda sits down at the table, Sonia gets tense. She starts to sweat and fidget with her fingers. The room was completely silent. "Well!?! Come on tell me!" Kazuichi slams him hand on the desk, clearly annoyed. After a few seconds Sonia mumbles. "What was that? I couldn't hear you? You have to speak up!" Kazuichi explains. Sonias sighs, taking a breathe before her words crumble. "I am in love with Gundham." Kazuichis mouth drops. He starts to breathe heavily, questioning what he had and he didn't. "Miss Sonia?? Why??" She stands up, grinning at him. "I am not sure, but I would like to keep this between the both of us." Sonia implies. Kazuichi gets up from his seats seat, walking over to her. "Miss Sonia, I know you do not have the same feelings for me, but i'll try my best for you and Gundham to get together! I promise!" He looks at her with excitement and joy, he wanted to keep the friendship he has with Sonia, even though they are just friends, nothing more. "Thank you Souda, that is very kind of you." Kazuichi stands and thinks for a minute, then coming up with a plan. "Miss Sonia, meet me in the cafeteria this afternoon, I am going to keep to my promise and get you guys together!" Kazuichi runs off back to his cottage, after giving a last wave to Sonia. She grins and sits back down, sniffing the beautiful flowers.

That afternoon, Kazuichi waits for Sonia at the cafeteria to discuss his great plan. As soon as Sonia gets there and sits down, ibuki walks in a bit short after. Ibukis smile widens, pointing at the both of them, nudging Mahiru to take a photo. Kazuichi gestures to cut it out, but they don't care. Ibuki runs over to them pulling Mahiru with her. "Oh my god!! Kazuichi finally did it without messing up! Can't believe that would ever happen! You guys are the cutest together absolutely the cutest!! Ooh! Mahiru take a picture quick!!" Mahiru snaps a photo of them, Sonia looking highly upset and Kazuichi face palming. "Souda, did you tell everyone we're dating?!" Ibuki looked confused. "What? You guys aren't dating? Then what's this? Isn't this a.. date?" Kazuichi explains to Ibuki and Mahiru that Sonia rejected him and that they were just having lunch together as friends. "Ohhh! My bad My bad! Come on Mahiru let's go take some shots of you and Hiyoko! Cuuute!!" Ibuki pushes Mahiru away, pointing over to Hiyoko. "Now Souda, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Sonia sips her tea, looking at Soudas droopy eyes light up. "To help you with Gundham of course! I always keep my promise! I jotted down this entire list of ideas for you and him to get together!" Kazuichi hands Sonia the long list of plans. "Souda this is very sweet but.." Kazuichi points are the list. "Look at that one! That's my favorite!" Kazuichi takes back the list, shoving it into his back pocket. "Souda, I don't know if these ideas are going to work, you should know damn well I am not making a fool of myself! Just because I am a princess does not mean I know little of things!" Kazuichi looks into her eyes. "Trust me okay?" Kazuichi puts her hand out for her to shake. "Okay?" Sonia shakes his hand. "Alright! Here's the plan!"

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