Chapter 1: Soudas Confession

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Here's some backstory!!
Souda has been planning to confess to Sonia for months, he's written poems, left flowers at her cottage, written cards but forgetting to sign them. He's always tried but always ended up failing miserably. Everyone knew he had a crush on Sonia, he shows his love for everyone to see. He does try getting close with Sonia, but whenever he does, she invites Gundham to come along. I mean sure he isn't mad by it, but it did annoy him.

Its early in the morning. Souda gets up at 6:30 in the morning just to get ready for Sonia. He takes a nice warm shower, making sure he smelled nice and clean. Once he got out of the shower, he shaved, brushed his teeth, just physical hygiene. As he finished he popped a mint into his mouth and rushes over to ibukis cottage, slightly knocking on the door.
Ibuki opens the door slightly rubbing her eyes groaning. "Who is it? Why do I smell Cologne?" Ibuki sniffs the air as she opens the door wider. "Woah Woah Woah!! Kazuichi is that you! You look..rad!" Ibuki looks him up and down as he smiles at her with a large grin on his face. "I know right!! Sonia's gonna love it! I got ready just for her!" He popped another mint and swallows it. "Well.. Kazuichi, you atleast tried to.." She looks at him with a concerned smile, trying not to be rude. Kazuichis smile goes numb. "What are you talking about?? You said I looked 'rad' isn't that a good thing?" Ibuki takes his hand and throws him in her cottage. Sitting him down at her bed. "Wow ibuki your place is a mess." She turns her lights on, not saying a word and spraying him in perfume, slicking his hair out of his face and putting a backwards cap on his head. "Look now you look even better than before! You just.. kinda looked like a mess before.. but that doesn't matter now!" Kazuichi sighs, giving up hope. "I'm never gonna get this right." Ibuki puts her hand on his shoulder. "Well you gotta try! Come on you can do it!" She pulls him up and throws him out of her cottage. "Now remember to be polite! Don't stumble your words or you'll look stupid! Got it Souda?" Kazuichi grins and nods, slowly walking to Sonias cottage. He knocks on her door, terrified on what's to come next.

"Um, Sonia? Are you awake?" He knocks on the door again, bending down on one knee, holding out the flowers and chocolates for her to grab. Sonia slightly opens the door to see who it is, realizing it's Souda and smiling. "Oh hello Souda, what are you-" Kazuichi interrupts her, trying to get his words out as fast as he could. "Miss Sonia! Please go out with me!" His face turns bright red, handing the roses to her. Sonia grins, giggling a little. "Wha- What are you giggling about?!" Kazuichi stutters. "Oh, I'm sorry Souda, but no." Kazuichi's head drops, groaning. "Argh. Why not!" He lifts his head up. "I'm afraid I am attracted to someone else." His jaw drops. "What!?! Who is this guy!?!" He rolls up his sleeves, standing in front of her. "I cannot tell you that Souda, but thank you for the very kind gesture!" Sonia goes to close the door, but Souda stops her. "Miss Sonia, please tell me." Sonia looks down, and then back up at him. "Alright, come sit down." She opens the door and lets him inside, she worries if she's doing the right thing.

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