Chapter 15

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''So, Terry tells me you two are at the same college.'' Tyler stated, forking the pot roast down his throat. We all sat at the table, and the feeling of playing casual was very heavy.

''Oh yeah, although I had to drop classes because of the pregnancy and all." I politely smile.

''Oh right! What a lovely smile.'' I slightly blush. "Terry also tells me he's been out of trouble, I reckon you have something to do with that?" Terry smirked, as he sipped his Mountain Dew.

''Welp, Terry is definitely getting better with handling situations, if that's what you mean." I placed my hand over Terry's.

''Yeah, what about you dad? How's everything?" Terry asked, trying to change topics.

''Same. Now Shiloh tell me,'' A slight frown flashed across Terry's face, but it disappeared a second later. ''How's that baby doing in there?" Tyler asked, scooping a big spoonful of rice and veggies into his mouth.

''Uhh, great I guess. Especially now that I'm eating." I looked over at Terry, he smiled, before kissing my palm in his hand.

''Yeah, you really did good with choosing this one son. She keeps you out of trouble, she cooks phenomenally," Tyler said, playfully punching Terry on the shoulder. ''and she's beautiful. Terry you're lucky son, cause if I was your age, I'd marry Shiloh and-"

"Oh stop, you're too much." I interrupt. From the look of Terry's face, it seemed as if Terry was about to pounce on his dad in any second. Terry's hands were clenched into fists, and his frown had deepened. Tyler hadn't known, because he was to busy staring into my eyes. ''I'm gonna do the dishes, Terry would you help me please?'' I stand from the table, pulling Terry up with me.

''Oh, do you need my help?" Tyler asked, placing his dish in my hand.

''Well Terry's-"

''No! We've got it,'' Terry stated in a very stern voice. Tyler just shrugged his shoulders, before chugging the rest of his soda. Terry squeezed my hand gently, before pulling me off to the kitchen.

After placing the dishes in the washer, Terry turned to me, slightly lifting his frown.

''Could you maybe... steer clear of my dad while he's here? He can come off a little forward, and it's getting a little tough to conceal my anger and-"

''Terry,'' I calmed, pulling Terry's hands from the top of his head. I wrapped my arms around his waist, before tilting my chin up. Terry's eyes became less intense, as he placed a hand on the side of my cheek, before planting a kiss on my lips. But it wasn't enough, I craved more of him. Placing my arms around his neck, I intensified the kiss. Enjoying it with all of me, Terry was indeed holding back. He pushed at my hips to calm me, and I pulled away with dissapoinntment. Taken aback, I stood dumbfounded. He's never turned down, or tried to calm my affection.

''We cant,'' He said, gripping his growing erection through his jeans. I was totally aroused again, just by the sight. Why is he trying to conceal and contain himself now? ''I have to get back to my dad babe, wanna watch a movie?" He asked, walking over to the fridge. I exhaled in utter disapproval, as he pulled out the liter of Mountain Dew. If Terry turning me down for sex, for the next three days while his dad was here, was what I had to expect... I wasn't going to be a happy camper. Who am I kidding? Terry can barely resist me. Which is why he stood staring at me, as he chugged his soda, pressing at his bulging erection. He smirked, as I clenched my thighs together. He returned the soda to the fridge before walking over to me. He gripped my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen.

''Later baby, I promise.'' Terry placed a kiss on my lips, as he gripped my butt. I stood on my tippy toes, not wanting to break away from the kiss, but to my dissatisfaction he pulled away.

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