Chapter 17

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''Seriously?" I asked, as Terry returned to the bedroom empty handed. ''Are you sure you looked in the right places, Terry?''

''Yes, babe. There's no more.'' I started to pout. I folded my arms, and let my head fall back against the headboard. ''How bad do you want the chips? Scale from one to ten.'' Terry leaned against the door frame, with his hands buried in his pockets. I'm obsessed with Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles, I always want them.


''Six? That's it?" Terry was already shaking his head no.

''The other four percent craves for you.'' I smiled, licking my lips. Terry laughed, clearly amused by my attempt to flatter him.

''What's in it for me, if I get the chips?" He asked, folding his arms.

''I guess you're gonna have to get the chips, to find out won't you?"

"Tempting...'' Terry tapped a finger on his chin. ''Fine, give me ten minutes. Twelve tops.'' I clapped my hands excitedly. Terry walked over, placed a kiss on my forehead, and snatched my car keys off of the dresser.


''Gosh, what's taking him so long?" I mumble. Pulling the heavy comforter off of my legs, I tiptoe off to the dark kitchen. Careful not to make any loud sounds that could wake Terry's dad at this midnight hour. I gently pull the fridge door open in a dreadful slow.

''Aw c'mon baby this is your house-''

''AHHH!'' I scream at the top of my lungs. I turn to find Tyler sitting at the dining table, chugging the rest of his son's Mountain Dew. My hand was placed over my frantically heaving chest, as I regained my composure.

''I'm so sorry! Didn't mean to scare you.'' He said, standing from the table. ''I couldn't sleep.''

I shake my head, and politely smile.

''No, it's fine. I'm just not used to... company.'' I leaned against the counter top. I could see Tyler nearing me in the dimly lit kitchen, the fridge was the only light that shone upon us. Straightening my stance, I knew it'd be best if I just wait in the room for Terry.

''I know what you mean,'' I state, as I try to sidestep Tyler. He chuckles, before he pulls me into his arms. He lifts my chin up to him, and I immediately start to shake. His eyes were a dark intense black at this moment, and his hold on me was pretty tight. I'm scared. ''Dont be scared... not of me.'' He says, before kissing my lips. I push at his arms, but he grips me harder. Being unresponsive in the kiss, was obviously pissing him off. Tyler kicked the fridgerater closed, leaving us in pitch black. Pushing me against the fridge, he aggressively swallows my lips with his.

''Stop! Get off!" I manage. Pushing at his face, I would've kneed him in the balls, but my baby bump was too big of a bulge. Oh god, my baby.

''Aw, c'mon be nice. Show me a little affection.'' He states. ''You show Terry loads of affection, I've seen it with my own eyes. Last night you were really giving it to him.'' My eyes were so wide in shock, I couldn't speak. I knew something didn't feel right. ''And today at Skeeter's, that belly never holds you back does it.'' I should've went with my instincts every time, and only fooled around with Terry behind closed doors. Tyler's squeezing my breast, working himself around every obstacle of mine. I feel a bumping against me. I try hard to push at Terry's dad, but I'm like a mouse being cornered by a cat. I feel the bumping again. It took me another second to realize the bumping wasn't against me. It was in me.

My baby's kicking, at any other moment I would've been so alight with joy, considering it's his first time kicking, but I'm held up unsnug in this circumstance. In the next second, I fume with anger. It was almost as if mama bear was poked, because I was totally fluctuated with rage. I'll be damned if he rapes me, especially with my fucking baby. Digging my nails into Tyler's face, I punch, slap, and even kick as hard as I could. I must've caught him in the shin, because he finally keeled over. Just as instantly, the door swung open, and the lights flickered on.

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