Chapter 13

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"So, this will be my last week at the studio." I announced, to the girls. They were in total awe, when I told them I was having a baby. I would miss this place, the atmosphere, the opportunity to lead performances, and surely I would miss this type of dancing. So long...


''Wait! Shiloh!" Garnette called, as I nearly pulled out of the lot. I stepped on the brakes and slowly lowered the window. She trotted to the car in a hurry. ''Listen Shiloh, I know I've already apologized to you before," She stated, catching her breath. ''But... I need you to know that I was only jealous of you. I always thought you were an amazing dancer.'' I smiled widely at her, as she continued.

''What am I talking about? I knew you were an amazing dancer. I uhh...'' She trailed off, as she fumbled with her loose fingers. ''I used to show up early to rehearsals, only because I knew you would. Don't think I'm a stalker or anything, but I'd sometimes watch you engulfed in the music, dancing your heart out in that studio.''


I stretched my arms behind my back, and circled my neck as John Legend's Ordinary People sounded throughout the dance studio. In here I'm exactly who I want to be for the rest of my life, Shiloh Lopez. I ballerina spin on my toes just for the hell of it. I leap, run, jump and spin, entranced in the music. I comfortingly hug myself... I mean that's all I have aside from God. After all like the song says 'we're just ordinary people, maybe we should take it slow'. Looking up at my reflection I notice eyes shadowed by cupped hands staring at me through the glass window. As I turn around with belief that my eyes are deceiving me, I double take and sure enough noone was there. I figure I'm a little overwhelmed by the stress of my classes from earlier today and decide to sit down.


The irony. I would've never suspected Garnette to be the one watching me. I had forgotten all about that, and pushed it to the back of my head. Garnette was still ranting as the memory subsided.

''Every time you were crowned Lori, it was well deserved. I shouldn't have been so envious." She said, with brimmed tears. Is she actually going to cry? I couldn't believe she actually had a kind soul behind the callous. ''Before you moved here, I was the best dancer. I was named Lori almost every other month, but that was the past. I'm glad that there's actually more of us in the world.'' I giggled. ''I hate to see you leave. But..." I love to watch you go. "I couldn't let you leave without knowing how I felt. You have inspired me incredibly, and I wish you and your family the best.'' Tears glided down her cheeks. I quickly switched the gear to park, before stepping out of the car. I gently pulled her into my embrace to calm her rant. I respected her for her apology, and I'm sure it made her a better person. Personally, I knew she was a great dancer, but I never looked at her as second best, or any one for that matter. I knew she shared my talent, but not my experience. Garnette's change of heart will definitely heighten her future. I'm proud of her. Here's her chance to be back on top.


Three months had passed, since I found out I was having a baby. Terry and I had an ultrasound appointment tomorrow for the baby. We hadn't even talked baby names, so I decided to play a game.

''Okay listen, I will strip off one item of clothing, for every baby name that we agree on. Deal?'' I asked, stepping in front of the flat screen.

''Deal, what's your favorite letter?" Terry eagerly asked. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table, and folded his hands behind his head.

''I love names that start with the letter 'A', 'K', and 'S'."

''Sounds like you're hoping for a girl." I placed my hands on my hips. I am. He chuckled. I did want a little girl, but there was my fear of the pain she could possibly endure... and mommy doesn't want that. People wouldn't always take her fragility seriously, girls should be treated with delicacy. I don't think my demeanor gave off the impression, hence the reason the men in my past hadn't got the memo.

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