Chapter 8: To Finish an Awkward Day

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier milord, please forgive me, it was extremely unladylike and really very rude, I feel terrible for that and today's earlier events I just-"

Ciel stood up all of a sudden, looking at his mahogany desk.

"It's okay Y/N. But I wanted to apologise for asking to see your seal." He looked up at Y/N with his piercing blue eye causing her to shiver slightly.

"Well I guess we're on good terms again then Lord Phan-"

"Ciel. Just call me Ciel."

"Ciel." Y/N reddened at the sudden name change of informality.

Ciel sat back down and gestured to the chair opposite the table.

"Come take a seat Y/N, I have the list of suspect names you were looking forward to."

Y/N obeyed and sat down, looking at the long list on Ciel's desk.

"Sebastian is quite the butler..." Y/N mumbled, scanning through the list,

"Well for my master, what kind of butler would I be if I couldn't even do something as simple as collect some names?" Sebastian said, surprising Y/N with his voice whilst standing behind her, "I am simply one hell of a butler."

Y/N smiled, getting the hinted clue.

"A humorous one at that too," Y/N added, "this name here seems quite familiar..."

Y/N pointed at the name 'Dorian Savine', and thought a little harder as to where the name came from.

"Sebastian, do some more back up information on this 'Dorian Savine' person, and we'll see if Y/N can recognise him." Ciel ordered.

"Yes my lord." Sebastian left the room after a short bow at his master.

Y/N simply stared at the name intensely, without realising. 


"A-Ah yes?"

"Would you like some cake?"

", no thank you...."

"Are you sure? You might need the energy."

"I don't know-" 

Ciel suddenly leaned a little across the table, a fork outstretched in his hand, a small piece of cake at the tip of the fork's pointed edge.

"Eat some."

Ciel gazed at Y/N intensely, almost in an uncomfortable manner, for both him and her.

Y/N looked down at the piece of cake on the fork, and gulped. She couldn't say no... She parted her lips slightly and took a bit of the cake piece from Ciel's fork, savouring the sweet taste of the baked good in her mouth.

Ciel leaned back into his chair, placing the fork back onto the plate with the slice of cake sitting on it. 

"I'm guessing you want some now hmm?" Ciel smirked slightly, sliding the plate carefully across, over to Y/N, "Sebastian made it, it has no choice but to be delicious."

Y/N blushed furiously, a little out of line again, thanks to Ciel Phantomhive, and hesitantly took the plate of cake.

"Thank you..."

"No problem."

After that, Y/N ate her cake in silence, feeling Ciel's eye watch her every move. 

She was intimidated, but rather embarrassed too.

 She flashed her gaze up at him for a split second, which was a mistake. He was still watching her, and their eyes met briefly, before Y/N concentrated her gaze back on the cake.

The silence continued as the fork clattered against the plate after she finished consuming the cake, and placed the plate back down on the table. She looked at the list again.

"I think we should visit this Sir Savine, what do you say?" Ciel said, tapping his finger on his chin.

"I think it's a good idea," Y/N replied, nodding her head, "though I really do feel like I know the name..."

"You might recognise him when we go to see him, or you could think about it before the meeting."

"I guess I could. I'll get Arthur to sort out my arrangements. I suppose Sebastian would do yours?" 

Ciel gave a brief nod and tightened his lips as he mumbled something about not crossdressing and some perverted snob...

Y/N smiled lightly and, feeling much better than earlier, relaxed.

Things were slowly falling into place for her, and action was to be taken on the investigation of her missing family.

"Thank you again Ciel."

"For what?"

"For helping me with finding my family."

"It was simply an order from the queen."

"...I know." Y/N looked down at her hands, and fiddled with her fingers. If the queen hadn't requested for her guard dog to help her lynx, this plan would never have been created. Ciel paused and called for his butler.

"I'll be retiring earlier today, I feel a little more tired. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N."

"Okay, sleep well milord." 

Sebastian appeared in an instant and lead Ciel out and to his bedroom. Y/N sighed and took a look at the name again. So familiar...

When you don't know what you're writing half the time.
That's me.
All the time.

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now