Lia PoV

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Is Raiden BLUSHING the Ouelson protection squad needs to hear about this


Lying Lia: Raiden blushing when being complemented Joan!

Trender man : I as the sassy gay uncle take responsibility to make the outfit for the date

Slender man: they most likely are not going on a date yet brother

''Hey Ray, you good'' I question

''Yea I'm fine why'' he calmly responds

''You were stuttering a little'' I say in a more serious tone

''Oh, muffin......DAMN IT'' raiden soon responds surprising me

''I just freaking said 'oh Muffin'' I've been watching way to much Bad Boy Halo''

He soon says raising his voice at me

''Jesus Raiden you are a handful''

''Don't you mean 'Geesus'''

''I'm not an emo like you. I don't worship gerard''

''I don't worship him ''

Joan looks back at us after looking at Raiden art ''hey Radiy 'I will back you to the end of the Muffin''

Raiden just looks at him in aw

'' you watch him too''

''Hell yea''

''Then going by the reference you made you know the sap-nap song Bad made up

''Sappie Nappie?'' Joan questions

''Sappie nappie nappie'' is all Raiden responds with

Together they sing

''Sapa napa nappie nappie''

They are so adorable together

''So'' i interrupt their laughter ''are you guys both free tomorrow evening after school. go to the library.''

''Yea I've been meaning to pick up a movie'' Raiden soon responds gleefully

''How 'bout you Joan?'' I question

''Yea I'm free. I can do a bit more research on flowers.'' He replies with a more cheery tone than usual

''Great I'm not. Have fun on your date,Nerds.'' I chime in walking out of the room (a/n I almost made a plate reference)

Soon they realised what I said 

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