Joan PoV

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I woke up really early and couldn't get back to sleep I guess I'll just lay here 

I here mumbling 
''I...don't...take…. interest…….him'' 
I hear Raiden mumble 

I wonder who they are talking about 

I hear him mumble again 
I told them I don't take interest in them. Are they talking me. Why am I kind of sad about that.

''....doon'' Raiden drags  on mumbling sounding like he's trying to say don't ''..bring.. ...prin…...xiety….into….this.'' 

Is he arguing with someone

''Blue rose...favorite..'' I hear from him 

I jot that down in my note book and start to hum to myself as I check the time 
Its seven thirty-nine I'm going to start getting ready schools in two hours

I open the door quietly to see a black garbage bag
I crouch down to read 'from Jane and Clockwork'
I open the bag to see clothes. Sweet 

I start to hang some in my dresser 
And I find a black leather vest with a fuzzy lining. Definitely wearing this I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom to get changed Raiden bought me a binder and left it in my wardrobe so I grab that too

When I finish changing I grab the vest Jane and clock- my parents brought me 

I mess up my hair and I look alternative nice 
I have my Fall Out Boy shirt my vest and some black jeans 
I grab my messenger bag and head downstairs with the one and only 
taco pass

I get downstairs and see the Puppeteer 
'' why did you get all dressed up and who gave you the vest you guys didn't buy that at hot topic'' he says with a chuckle 

''I got it from my moms- I'm mean from Jane and Clockwork. '' I respond. He smiles sweetly. Lia has the same kind smile. Guess she got it from him.

"Your up early," I heard from behind me. It scared me a little so I jumped. Lia was standing there in her pajamas, holding a taco pass. "Morning, Pa." She smiled. 

''Hey Lia can you heat me up a taco I forgot something upstairs.'' I ask 

I walk upstairs and quickly grab my notebook that I wrote the things Raiden was mumbling. Trying to make sence of all of it. I took the notebook into my bag 
And grab a couple other books and supplies.

 I turn around and see raiden still asleep 
''God dang it'' I mumble 

I walk over to raiden and start by flicking him in the cheak. Nothing.
Then tap his shoulder. Nothing.
Finally I just shake the crap out of him.
He finally wakes up 

I look him dead in the eyes and just say ''School.'' 
And walk away 

I passed lia on the way down the stairs. She needed to get ready too, but she stopped. "Taco is in the microwave! Also looking sharp." She smirked, then left.

I was now waiting by the door for my friends. Lia was the first to come down. She was wearing and oversized jean jacket, with a nice green tank to under. She wore a pair of jean shorts, that complimented the outfit.

Raiden came down soon after. He wore a purple Fall Out boy shirt that said 'Last of the real ones' {MANIA}
and some shorts even though its october 
He let Sally do his hair so one side is French braided back 
He had black eyeshadow and eyeliner on and a the greek word Δέσμη written on the back of his hand 

"Well lets go you idiots!" Lia said before quickly running out the door, as she knew she would get chased.

''Hey you ass'' Raiden yelled as he grabbed his bag and ran out the door 

''Guys wait up'' Joan said running out the door

Soon we chased each other out of the forest 

When we got into the school I was really happy everyone thought I was new. This will be great people will respect me more 

A couple people that were a little popular started to ask if I wanted to hangout with them and the fuckboys 

''Hi I'm Patricia do you want to have lunch with us instead of those freaks'' this bitch asks 

''Hi umm… no I like hanging out with the quote on quote 'freaks' they are cool'' 

''What why don't you want to be cool like us'' Patricia says 

''You are never going to be cool. 'cool' isn't an actual thing that matters I just want an education so I will hang out with my friends.'' I respond in a monotone voice 

''You actually want to hang out with us'' 
Raiden asks 

''Yea why wouldn't I 'Your Perfect' ''
I said quoting what he has said 

I go to throw my stuff in my locker than unexpectedly I get a hug from behind 

I look over my shoulder and see Raiden hugging me ''thanks I really needed that''  Raiden walks off ''I'm going to head to class''

I soon caught up to him  ''hey tell Sally she did a great job on your hair..'' I ask ruffling his hair and sitting in the front row seats of the class 

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