Joan PoV

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''do you think Raiden has a crush in him'' Ben whispers
'' definitely. he has never acted like this around anyone before
For once it seems he is trying to impress someone'' Toby responds

*Back in the kids room*

Raiden lays on his bed scetching portraits
Over time he starts to fall asleep

Joan looks over to see sleeping Raiden with paper spread across his bed
And quiet music playing

I sit and listen to the music as I clean some of the papers

'I've missed your calls for months it seems'🎶

'Don't realise how mean I can be'🎶

' 'cause sometimes I can treat the people I love like a jewellery'🎶

' 'Cause I can change my mind each day I didn't mean to try you on'

'But I still know your birthday and your mother's favorite song'🎶

'So I'm sorry to my unknown lover.sorry that I cant believe that any body ever really starts to fall in love with me' 🎶

Is this how you feel Raiden

I pick up one paper it has a small drawing of me on it. It looked like a cartoon
But it did resemble me. I put the paper above his bed and I sit their beside his bed

Listening to his music as it changes

I slowly fall asleep beside the bed leaning on the end table

*in the morning*

I wake up before everyone else and get up of the floor I start to write and draw in my journal while laying in bed

I hear mumbling and soft crying
Raiden gets up and swiftly walks to the bathroom. I get up a couple seconds later and follow after.

I walk into the bathroom quietly and Raiden is sitting over the sink crying

I walk over to him and hug him from behind. Slowly Raiden starts to turn and hug me.

''What's wrong Raidy'' I ask
''Dreams'' Raiden says still crying

''Don't worry I'm right here. Can you tell me what they are about.''

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