Joan PoV

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I'm sitting on my bed and I look down to see Raidens phone face up.

I lean over not touching the phone to see at tab open about floral shops

I immediately move away from the phone

What if someone was watching me

Raiden did talk about my parents and apparently Lyra can see our world so who says my parents can't.

I get up, walk to my closet and grab a pair of black track pants and a black and white striped short sleeve shirt

I look down to see a bunch of drawings on my arms. Some just small and little to no detail and some with great detail

I start to head down after grabbing my messenger bag and my journals

I should grab Raiden phone

I grabbed Raidens phone I really am a simp

I make my way downstairs and pass Raiden his phone.

''You forgot this'' I claimed

I walk over to the cabinet ''let's have something new...''

I grab a package of raw noodles.

I open the package noodles and the open the package of seasoning.

I walk over and grab a plastic bag and add the noodles and seasoning in the bag

Grabbing a spoon a slowly and calmly crunch the noodles, mix it with the seasoning and walk out of the kitchen

I sit on the couch eating my raw noodles and I feel like someone's watching me...but more than normal

''Fucking insane'' I hear from behind me

''That's a stretch coming from you, Jeff.'' I comment

''B-But your eating raw noodles. Not even I would do that'' Jeff stammers out

''I'm not dealing with your bull shit today Jeff'' I respond coldly

''Oof...wanna head out Owl'' Raiden responds to my comment walking towards the door

''Have fun on your date''

''Can it Jeffrey''

''Jesus Raiden no need to pull out the full name''

Raiden soon slams the door behind us

''Sorry'' I hear him whisper under his breath

''Its ok Raiden'' I reassured ''you didn't do anything wrong''

All of a sudden I hear a small giggle

''What'' I questioned

''All your hair is straight but their is one little ringlet dead center'' Raiden explained

''Looks like my hair is the opposite than my sexuality'' I said in a pleased tone of voice

''You did not'' Raiden soon stammered out

''Let's head out, Raiden''


When we get to the cab and get in I we both start to get lost in thought

''Were here.'' The driver calls out

''You have to yell'' I murmur getting out of the car

I look up at the sign of the small shop we stopped in front of

''Kacee's flower shop'' I comment

''This is the place, kac has so many unique flowers and seeds.'' Raiden says in amazement

''Lets head in'' Raiden calls as he pulls me in

When we walk in we see a person around twenty with long blond straight hair and an orange 'camp half-blood' shirt.

she looks like annabeth from Percy Jackson.

''Hi Kac'' Raiden calls from the door

''Hey Rai, I just set out some new Rose's for ya' '' a person who I think is Kacee responds

''I'm going to look around. Ok Raidy'' I call out walking towards a random isle

''Got it'' he responded with a smile and thumbs up

I aimlessly walk until I see this small lonely cactus that on the pot says

'you picked me? Why?''

I pick it up and walk to Raiden who is looking at Osiria Roses

''Look'' I say with my face gleaming with excitement

''Do you want it?'' Raiden chuckles

''No I hate it. Of freaking corse I want it '' I laugh

''Add it to the container'' Raiden sighed

''Thank you''

I walk around a little more after putting the cactus in the flower container Raiden was holding

I walk up to the counter and quietly whisper to the cashier ''do you have a single blue rose I can buy along with a single yellow acacia''

She soon comes back with the two flowers and responds quietly with ''that will be 4.50''

''Here keep the change'' I say giving a five dollar bill and delicately putting the flowers in my messenger bag. 

The children a creepypasta storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora