Joan PoV

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''Why doesn't he like the checkups'' I ask

''He says their a waste of time if he knows he's ok'' Lia responds 

I looked at Lia confused, as she started to walk up the stairs.

I guess I could chill outside 

I slowly get up and start to walk to the door right before I open the door I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I see two one looking around seven and one around eight 

''Can I help you'' I ask 
''Do you want to hang out I have seen your pretty new'' the eight year old says with a smile 

''I can play with you girls do you want to play pirates'' I say getting down to their level 

''Yay pirates'' both the girls cheer while grabbing both my hands 

''By the way I'm Joan what are your names?'' I ask while being dragged to their rooms 

''I'm sally'' the seven  year old with knotted chocolate brown hair and a pale pink dress responds 

''I'm Lazari'' the eight year old with bright red hair and a brighter pink dress with little rips at the bottom says 

We walk in and I lay down a couple boards I found outside their room and grab some paper towel rolls and make paper-towel-roll swords 

Sally asks me to stand on one end of the board we laid on the ground

I stand on the board in a pirate hat and say 
'' Arg Cap'n Sally and Cap'n Lazari please don't make me walk the plank'' in my best pirate accent I could muster up 

''Should we Cap'n Sally'' Lazari asks in a pirate voice 

While she asked I jumped behind her 
''Sorry Cap'ns but we really must get a move on'' I ask soon Sally battled me to a sword duel 

 just as Sally and I finish up our fight and Lazarie sticks the paper towel roll sword between my arm and my torso I fake fall down face first and rool onto my back. I say ''tell Cap'n Sally it was a good battle '' I finally make noises like I fake died 

Soon after I hear cheering come from the door ''bravo'' I hear Lia say between laughs 

I'm still laying on the floor smiling with my eyes closed.

 out of nowhere Lia makes a joke saying ''Go on Raiden doesn't the prince have to waken the pirate with a kiss.'' While putting a fake crown on Raiden's head. 

''Nah I'm good I'm no prince let him die''
Raiden says with a chuckle 

I sit up fake offended with my hand over my chest.
''HEY your supposed to be dead'' Sally says hitting my head with her sword 

''Why don't you want to kiss him aren't you guys dating?'' Lazari asks innocently 

Now all eyes on us 

''No I have no interest in him that way'' I respond. Soon i get up and leave the room with Lia and Raiden 

It was now raiden turn to look fake offended.

''What?'' I ask 
''How could you not have interest in me'' Raiden says in a snarky tone 
''I don't know I just don't''
''But I'm perfect'' Raiden responds laughing 

''You have been spending two much time with Jeff'' Lia laughs 

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