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As Y/n performed her heart out for the last competition at MSU (McNeese State University), she spots her best friend Jungkook in the stands along with Namjoon right beside him

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As Y/n performed her heart out for the last competition at MSU (McNeese State University), she spots her best friend Jungkook in the stands along with Namjoon right beside him.

Seeing her best friend in the stands made her perform harder and better. She wanted to make the ones she loved proud of her.

Her being overweight, she has this mindset that she has to work harder than anybody else in the group to be respected and be taken seriously.

She loves this sport. It makes her feel alive and free. Like nothing can stop her. It's her happy place. She doesn't get bullied at school but some civilians look down on her because of her large size.

The rifle line does the sextuple toss and the double spin underneath it, they catch it with so much force and confidence that their hands sting from the catch.

The crowd erupts in a loud roar of cheers at the performance. Y/n and the rest of the band/color guard smile big. Y/n giggles when she hears her best friend being louder than everybody else.

They quickly grab their equipment and walked off the field.


"That was so fucking good, Y/n!" Jungkook compliments his best friend, as soon she was in his sight.

Y/n smiles up at her best friend, "Thanks, Kookie." She says.

He gives her a big hug. Y/n couldn't help but embrace his warmth. It was a really cold morning.

He pulls away and made room for her to sit beside him. Y/n looks across from Jungkook, "Hey, Namjoon." She greets.

He gives her his dimply smile, "Hey, Y/n. That was such a great performance." He tells her.

She smiles, "Thank you."

Namjoon and Y/n are good friends as well. They have been for about a year, now. It was her freshman year and his junior year.

Y/n was in the gym practicing for her upcoming winter guard performance and Namjoon was there to practice for a game that was the next day. They shared the court. Namjoon has one side and Y/n was on the other side.

Y/n was practicing her rifle work and the dance that went with it. She slipped and landed on her knee.

"Ow!" She cries, holding her knee as tears roll down her cheeks due to the pain.

Namjoon drops the ball and made his way to the light skinned chubby girl. He kneels in front of her.

"Let me see." He tells her softly.

Winter Guard // k.th x chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now