Caught In Lies and Deceit

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Sizhui was unceremoniously thrown into the prisoner's cart alongside Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, who were both tightly bound by rope as to restrict movement. Immediately Sizhui's head met the floor of the cart with a bang, and he winced in pain.



Sizhui wasn't able to get up due to his own binds, but just from hearing the voice and the hurried footsteps, he knew Jingyi wasn't far away.

"A...A' Yi?" He mumbled. "Where's my uncle?!"

"No, not him!" Wei Ying growled. "He's done enough damage!"

"Lan Jingyi, you should go to the other disciples." One of the guards gruffly stated.

"At least let me be with them!" Jingyi replied. "I could guard them for the journey-"

"And how do we know that you won't help them escape?" Another guard pointed out. "Everyone knows by now how fond you are of the Yiling Patriarch's son."

Wei Ying had to suppress the urge to eye roll at Jingyi's endeavours. Did he really not consider that people no longer trusted him alone with them?

"And how do you know that Wei Wuxian won't try to riot?" Jingyi retaliated. "If he really is capable of demonic tricks, plus with the additional strength from Hanguang Jun, it would be far to ready for them to take control and escape."

"How can we be sure that you won't aid them with that?" The guard replied.

"Because Sizhui won't want them to do anything to harm me, including escaping. Besides, you should keep an eye out on Wen Nin-ah, Wen Qionglin in case he breaks free. Plus it will be less of a nuisance for you lot."

The guards looked at one another for a second then shrugged.

"Suit yourself."

They moved out of the way for Jingyi to get in. Once Jingyi stepped into the cart, he gently propped Sizhui back up, much to the glares from his parents. He sat down, only to quickly look down at his own feet.

"Right- we're off now."

A guard shut the cart and everyone who wasn't tied down assembled to travel. Jingyi turned his head slightly and noticed both Zizhen and Jin Ling stepping onto their swords to travel. Though he did want to call out to them, he knew it would be unwise to. He turned his head away from them and swallowed, his throat becoming dry.

When the cart jolted and began to move Jingyi awkwardly shifted closer to Sizhui, who was still silently looking away.


"There's no point in apologising." Wei Ying cut in. "It's not going to change anything."

"I know that." Jingyi replied, sighing. "But I wish it didn't have to come to this- it should never have come to this!"

"Why did it have to be you?!" Wei Ying suddenly spat in return. "Why, out of all of the young cultivators that is pursuing our son, did you have to be the one he fell in love with?!"

"Pa..." Sizhui trembled. "I'm sorry..."

"You should have listened to us." Wei Ying continued, his tone softening slightly. "To keep yourself at arms length from a Lan cultivator. But now..."

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