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I just woke up and I need too right down my dream but I couldn't find my dream jornal so I did it here.

I was sitting at my dream home and I was in the basement, the basement has glass doors cus the house was built on a slope. It was mid day and I was alone and someone knocked on the glass doors and it was this girl that looked half hamster I let her in and she kinda just walked around and complimented my house and I continued to sit in the basement and I saw this baby's head peaking out above the couch I thought it was just my imagination so I looked away and looked back and it was gone then later i looked again and the baby head was on the ground and it looked dead but the eyes bulged out and stared at me and it really freaked me out so I went over and stomped on the head with my foot and I could feel the bone collapse under it and I looked at it again and it was like a Benjamin button looking thing but dead and with a collapsed skull and the eyes where gone, that really freaked me out so I stomped out its ribs just in case and I went into the kitchen upstairs and grabbed a knife and tried too scream for help but I was having some sort of asthma attack cus all my screams where breathy and quiet. As I stood there I could feel myself being stared at by something and I woke up. I still feel like something is watching me but this time I know it's just my imagination.

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