mah warrior ocs 2 :3

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Ok let's do this again dude, all of thunderclan. Let's go!


Yewstar is the oldest leader at the lake and he's the only Male leader right now. He's pretty chill but also very intimidating when he wants to be.


Sorrellnose is a flighty and nervous deputy, he's a particularly new deputy and just is trying his best, he is immensely proud of his son, horsekit.

-Medicine cats-

Crystalwing is the medicine cat and by all means should retire but he's still training snowfeather just a bit more before he retires.

Snowfeather used too be a warrior but her claws got pulled out so she had too become a medicine cat, despite her having a mate.


Wildspots is a confident and optimistic senior warrior, she is a great mentor and has a lot of old apprentices. A lot of cats look up too her and think that she should have been deputy instead of sorrellnose.

Sweetpelt isn't technically in thunderclan at the moment. She was exiled after she killed a riverclan cat named streamwisker.

Patchstring used too be a barn cat, she is a caring and curious cat. She is very proud of her two daughters whiterunner and snowfeather, and she misses her mate, lightpatch.

Rippleshade is a moody and pessimistic warrior, she sees the other clans as threats, and even his own clan mates, she even sees her own son as a disappointment too the clans.

Redpool is proud of his little deputy brother, he is very kind and a bit naive.

Rowenheart on the other hand is jealous of Sorrellnose, he is always looking for a way too show off his skills.

Emberspeed is on of the clans messengers he got his first apprentice whiterunner shortly after he was an apprentice. He never backs down from a challenge and is always striving for discipline, and honesty.

Turtleheart is snowfeathers mate and he's jus a real helpful dude, he never slacks off and he's a very skilled hunter.

Gorsetail is flighty and optimistic and his optimism is just so contagious. He could melt and ice cold heat with just a smile.

Whiterunner is the other messenger cat, she was born blind and began too train as a medicine cat, but she wasn't good at any aspect of the job and would normally just sneak off too talk too the messagenger and run. So she switched too being a messenger cat.

Leopardgleam is a nervous and paranoid cat, she is mates with gorsetail, and has one litter of kits, but he mostly takes care of them.

Ok on the height chart her name is berryspots but her name is rosespots now, deal with it. Rosespots is a determined warrior who can be a bit snarky at times but is always just trying too have a laugh.

Twiststripe is judgmental and moody, but under that harsh exterior is a cat who loves his clan and his windclan mate.

Beepelt is twiststripes friend, kinda. They mostly just sit together and talk about hunting but it is difficult too tell if they care about each other at all.

Sparrowwing is a cat that is always working, whether he's on patrol or hunting or helping the medical cats. it's hard to imagine him ever retireing.

Snapwisker is just a go with the flow type of warrior. He thinks his two siblings sparrowwing and kestrelpool are way too serious, and just likes too enjoy his youth.

Kestrelpool is always gossiping with everyone and trying too know everything about everyone. Though in her pursuit of knowledge it makes her quite naive.


Hoppaw is about too become a warrior and he is extremely talented in hunting and charisma. And he is absolutely head over heels for Kestrelpool, his childhood crush.

Icepaw is a nervous wreck and isn't quite good at anything, but he try's his best. And he try's too ignore the fact that the medicine cats are looking too make him a medicine cat apprentice.

Mistpaw is always trying too look out for her brother but he's just so boring and sad that she finds herself hanging out with hoppaw instead even though he's also boring.


Mousekit was found on the outskirts of thunderclan and yewstar decided too take them in. Mousekit loves the clan dearly and their step mother leopardgleam.

Songkit loves too play and is generally just a real happy cat. She loves her father gorsetail and her brother fogkit.

Fogkit is grumpy and pessimistic, he likes too attack anything in his path, whether it's a clump of moss, a piece of fresh kill or the highrock.

Horsekit is about too be a apprentice and is extremely excited. He isn't interested in fighting or hunting, but is interested in the medicine cat duties and likes helping other cats.


Goldenmoon is a elder who is kind and likes too help other cats and likes too tell stories too the kits.

Shadeclaw is a humble cat who got injured as a young warrior, and went too the elders den earlier then most other cats.

Shelltail is just very proud of her kit, rosespots and likes when cats visit the elders den.

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