Chapter Two, The pine woods.

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The wind blew harsh on the Dream Smp, sending shivers down Tommy's spine as he walked through the dark pine woods. Sword in hand as his eyes darted around the dark area. Only being able to see past a few trees but he could hear the monsters that hid inside them. The quiet groans of zombies, the cackle of witches, and the small footsteps of creepers as they broke twigs under themselves, filled Tommy's ears.

Tommy didn't have the fighting skills of Techno, the strong wings of Philza, nor the wit of Wilbur! All he had was a sword and some armor. The young man was better at talking, Scamming, creating allies and great friends who would help them. Not fighting and trying to find his way back to Pogtopia! Worry filled Tommy's head as he held the golden torch up. The Flame dancing in the wind creating a small bubble of light around the blond haired Innit. The embers leaving a trail behind him as he looked up towards the sky. Trying to remember what Techno had told him..

Pogtopia was north from Manberg, so if he kept heading north he would surely find the large mountain that hid it. But Tommy couldn't seem to remember which way north was exactly. He remembered Techno telling him it had something to do with where the moon and sun was but which was north..? Stopping in his tracks Tommy would stare at the sky, knowing remembering this would decide if he was going to be sleeping in the woods tonight or getting to his brothers. Both sounded equally terrible but one had a lesser chance of dying. Right as he was starting to get his guard down, lost deep in thought, an arrow went zooming past his head, barely cutting the side of his cheek with the sharp metal tip.

Tommy whipped around towards where the shot came from, having to set down his torch on the ground next to him as the white skeleton came out from the darkness. Shield now in his left hand as he pointed the glowing netherite sword at the skeleton, Pshh he could fight this off. It was only one skeleton. As it started to pull their bony hand back, loading the arrow as they aimed. Tommy dove towards the skeleton, slashing his sword, cutting through the skeleton's spine like butter. He would stumble back as smoke came out of its eyes causing all the bones to collapse  on the floor.

A smirk would grow on the boy's face, pumping his sword in the sky as he would let out a quiet sigh of relief. Tommy could fight, he wasn't sure why he doubted himself. He had fought in the L'Manberg war! Had a duel with dream and he really thought he couldn't fight against one skeleton? As Tommy was lost in his pride, a zombie would slowly come from behind him barely making a sound. Until it let out a loud groan grabbing tommy by his sleeve and biting down onto his collar bone. The teeth sinking into the skin causing blood to start to come out.

Letting out a loud scream Tommy would kick behind him, turning around so fast it would cause a rush of wind around him causing his only light source to be blown out. Leaving the blond in the dark with a zombie, he would cut through the air his shield held up as he would spin around looking for the monster who had just attacked him. The blood oozed from his neck staining the white top he had.

The quiet snap of a twig caused him to spin around dashing towards the noise, finally stabbing into the zombie. His blade came out of the other end as he pushed down, ripping through the creature as its guts fell onto the floor with a loud blop. Tommy would only be met with another one as it attacked his arm. The nails clawing at his sweater ripping it, and biting down on his arm. Causing him to drop the netherite sword, not even thinking as he tried to push the zombie head off with his other hand.

As if his luck couldn't get worse he felt an arrow pierce through his skin hitting him straight in the spine. Causing him to let out a scream as another zombie pushed him down to the ground. One eating his arm away as the other went straight for his neck, hearing the skeleton load another arrow as it aimed at Tommys head.

TommyInnit was killed by a Skeleton.





"Not yet."





Tommy's scream would echo through Pogtopia, as he sat up in his bed holding his chest as he felt his heart race. No matter how many times he died he could never get over the feeling. The feeling of true death that always haunted every villager of Dream Smp, the idea that one day you won't spawn back. Tommy would open his eyes only to be greeted by the worried and angered looks of both Wilbur and Techno as they stood to the side of his bed. Both saying something at the same time, Tommy would zone them out instead. Both of his hands resting on his head as he slicked the blond hair back. His head aching with so much pain he could barely think, having Wilbur and Techno talking at the same time right next to him didn't help either.

But it brought a smile to Tommy's face. As he laid back down onto the bed groaning loudly, both of us brothers worried about the youngest. It reminded him of old times when things were simpler, there was no war, no L'Manberg, just him.. Wilbur.. Techno and Phil. But soon the memory faded when Wilbur crossed his arms finally getting Techno to shut up. His voice filled with anger and madness instead of the soothing and caring voice he used to have.

"Where were today Tommy?" Wilbur asked, raising an eyebrow at Tommy. The blond boy had known Wilbur for too long, he was questioning Tommy's loyalty just like how he questioned Tubbos.

"With Tubbo." Tommy answered, his voice monotone as he opened one eye up staring at Wilbur. He was still in that stupid trench coat of his, His beanie slowly starting to fall off his head, and a cold unforgiving look in his eyes. He didn't believe Tommy one bit.*

They would stare at each other in silence, Tommy would try to keep eye contact with Wilbur. His head aching all Tommy wanted was to close his eyes and fall asleep. But he knew, just for a few more days he needed to have Wilbur trust him. Finally after a few minutes passed Techno coughed taking in a deep inhale. It was becoming way too awkward for the pig to handle.

"Tommy, where'd you die? I'm going to need to go collect your stuff before one of those druggies shlatt let in steals it." Techno would laugh at the last part. But no one else would, both Tommy and Wilbur would look to the floor of Pogtopia. The pig would shrug, looking over to both of them confused.

"I uh,, Don't know. Kinda got lost in the forest."

"Why didn't you use the advice i gave you? They don't call me TechnoGps for nothing~" Finally one of the jokes landed and Wilbur let out a quiet chuckle.

Tommy would groan closing his eyes once again as he rested his head on the pillow. Now that he was more awake, his whole body was aching. He'd run his finger over his open collar bone, tracing the light scars from the bite. Why did dying hurt so much? He would laugh at his own question. As he closed his eyes, getting lost in the darkness he started to imagine what it would be like,,, just him and Tubbo against the world. What would they do? Who would cook? What hobbies or adventures would they go on to keep each other sane? Or would they just relax in the house they made. Relaxing for once in 2 years, just like they did before the war had started. Maybe Tubbo would start a bee farm, and Tommy would help him out and learn how to Pvp better.. As Tommy ran the scenarios through his brain he slowly started to drift back into sleep.

Three more days,,

Just three more days until he was free..

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