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Well hello readers of wattpad! It's been a while hasn't it?

Almost a full year since I uploaded that last grim chapter to an unfinished book and its sat with me ever since. I hated leaving it unfinished right at the climax when everything was starting to add up together. I've been torn on actually giving it a proper ending even if its not the ending was I planning to do.

And then after awhile I kinda forgot about it if I'm being honest, started working on other fanfictions in different communities. 

But then I got a message.

That message is why I'm here now with you all today, Blood is thicker than water is being continued! but not by me-

The lovely @Londonspeaksalot will be continuing the plot on their account,  for those who just couldn't get the ich in their brain about the ending. They have full reins over the story and are a very talented writer so please go check out their stuff.

But yeah, I hope you lot are having a wonderful day, week, or month and enjoy what you enjoy :]

bye bye!

[and a small promo for me, if you do wanna check out those 'other' works, I do have an ao3 which is pinned in conversations] 

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