Final? (Important)

398 18 4


I want to start this off with, thank you guys so much. For all of the comments and votes it truly just makes my world. And for the people who did do that and have supported me, this is not targeted to you.

Go hydrate and eat <3

But still, i will be discontinuing this fic.

This is mainly because i've lost interest and motivation to continue it in the first place. But something else also is a big factor on why its ending so suddenly too.

Shipping. Now i have stated in the desc and the tags that this is not a ship fic. I'm very very uncomfortable with those types of fanfictions (Mainly because Tommy and Tubbo are you know... minors.) Still after that my fic has been constantly been added to Shipping book collections and or has had very weird/suggestive comments i've had to delete.

And i'm very uncomfortable with my fanfiction being seen in those types of lenses.  I had ignored it for quite awhile but it just keeps happening and its forced my hand.

I wish i could word this better, but at the moment its very late and i want to get this out.

Now aside that, if your interested in knowing how it ends since i've had it pre-planned for quite awhile you can Dm me on discord (Damien?#8912).

I'll still be writing and uploading fics, just not on wattpad anymore. I have an ao3 account which is in my conversations section. 

Thank you once again for reading and supporting this :]

Have a lovely day and make sure to take care of yourself.

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