~IwaOi~ "Do you think this will answer your question?" (2)

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I came up for air facing the pool deck, wanting to see who's name I would be engraving on a tombstone. Where I once stood was Oikawa and Kindaichi laughing their asses off, almost choking on the pizza they had previously shoved into their mouths. I swam to the edge and lifted myself out of the pool. Before I could even start walking, they both bolted in different directions.
            I knew Kindaichi was faster than me so I went after Oikawa. I quickly caught up with him while he fidgeted with the exit gate to the pool. He made it out in time but I was still only a few feet behind him. He led me down a hill and cornered himself in a wooden ocean lookout. There I stood, taking up the space that was the only exit and entrance to the small area, which happened to be protruding out of a cliff. He stared at me and I stared back, both of us smiling deviously.

"You caught me, iwa-chan," he admits in defeat.

"Did you expect me not to?" I retort back. He shakes his head and chuckles. I was surprised when he started walking towards me. But I wasn't going to budge; I was going to stay there, whatever it took. I stand my ground as Oikawa makes his way 5 feet away and coming closer to me. 4 feet, 3 feet, 2...1.
            Then his arms were affectionately wrapped around my neck and I stood there like a dork, confused as an atheist alone in a room filled with old 1800's religious paintings. When my brain finally comprehended what was happening, my face exploded into fireworks of cherry red.
            'Holy shit. Holy shit. Oikawa. I'm gonna have a heart attack. wait no, this is good. i like this. i've been wanting this. i thought i was gonna be the one to initiate it though....' (Italics said no so '' means thoughts)
            I looked into Oikawa's piercing brown eyes and hesitantly moved my hands up, lightly placing them on his waist. After testing the waters of physical touch, I rested my hands comfortably on the sides of his waist, waiting to make sure it was okay with him; which it seemed to be. There was only 2 or 3 inches of space left between us and I wanted so badly to close that space.

So I did...

I pulled Oikawa's strong hips towards mine and embraced him in a tight hug, which he returned immediately. He wrapped his arms around my neck tighter and I didn't think I could have pulled him closer to me. We stayed like that, swaying blissfully quiet in the breeze, not focusing on the enchanting sunset ahead of us, but on each other. Taking in every feeling and every emotion we experienced while standing there together. I shift my head off his shoulder so that my face is looking at his. He pulls back but we keep our arms around one another.

"Oikawa?" I said, more of a question.

"Yes, Iwa-Chan?" He whispered back.

"Would it be weird if I told you that I like you right now?" I asked, shifting my gaze anywhere besides into Oikawa's hickory eyes. There was a silence from Oikawa, then he burst into laughter. I blushed, obviously embarrassed.

"Iwa, you were literally just holding onto me for dear life..." he said. He unwrapped one arm from my neck and used his fingertips to guide my face back to looking at his. We were staring into what seemed like the unknown parts of each other's souls. " But yes, I think now would be a good time to confess,"

"Then, Toru Oikawa, I've liked you since our first year and I'm sure I will continue to until you fall out of love with me. So, will you go out with me?" Oikawa smiled at my words and wrapped his arm around my neck again and buried his face in my spiky hair.

"Do you think this will answer your question?" he backs up a few inches and lowers his face to mine, our features aligning.

And in the end, his kiss did give me my answer. I like him and he likes me. That's our story.

~The End~

Hi There! its me, the person who wrote this. I'm here because of a part in the story that I wasnt sure about publishing. More specifically the "I stood there like a dork, confused as an atheist alone in a room filled with old 1800's religious paintings" quote. I was hesitant to keep it because it might offend some but for some reason, i decided to add it anyway. I'm sincerely sorry if this offended any one, I seriously did not mean for it to be mean or anything like that. if it hurt you or you found it to be rude or anything with a negative connotation, please dont hesitate to comment here or send me a message through this app and tell me so I can edit it out. Thank you and have a good day/night (Wherever in the world you might be)



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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