~Daisuga~ Used Tissues and McDonalds Wrappers (1)

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"Suga!" Koushi Sugawara turned at the shout of his name. A small smile turned as he greeted the man back.

"Hey Daichi," The tall man caught up to Suga and now they were walking through Karasuno High's bustling halls on their way to their shared 4th period. They talked about trivial things like homework that had been assigned in previous classes and volleyball practice that would take place later in the day. Once they reached their class, they opened the door and found their way to their seats on opposite sides of the class. Suga dropped his bag off at his desk and was on his way over to Daichis desk to continue the conversation, but stopped when he saw another person talking to Daichi.

Yui Michimiya was the captain of the Karasuno girls volleyball team and one of Daichis close friends. Yui was on the shorter side, standing at 5'2 but pulled off the wing spiker position perfectly. She always seemed to be hanging around Daichi, as if they had some sort of connection. Suga hated that; he wanted to be Daichis closest friend. He wanted to be the person Daichi chose to be around the most. But as Suga watched Daichi longingly, he could see the smile on his face as they talked. It was obvious that they enjoyed each other's company. Suga fought to suppress the familiar, raging monster in his stomach as he turned back and sat at his seat.

Suga tried to distract himself for the last remaining minutes before class by pulling out his book and reading. But every word reminded him of Daichi and it just pained him more. So Suga put the book away and put his head on his desk, hoping to clear his mind. He was successful at that this time. But before he could really relax, the familiar chime of the bell rang through the room. The teacher quieted everyone down and began to take roll. Suga picked his head up when his name was called and he stayed sitting, back straight and eyes forward. He wanted to look like nothing was bothering him. Class went by slowly, as it usually did. After the final bell chimed, all the students, Suga being only one among the crowd of many, funneled into the lunchroom. Suga got his lunch and went to the roof.

He spent time there when he had things on his mind that needed to be sorted out. Today, it was his feelings for Daichi. Suga couldn't possibly love Daichi, could he? A setter falling in love with his captain. That's cliche enough as it is, but adding the jealousy toward the girl that he is close friends with? Suga didn't like the thought of it whatsoever. How could he think things like this? If Daichi was happy, that's all Suga cared about; he would do anything for that man. Even if it meant letting go of his feelings and staying friends, as they were now. Suga finished his lunch and traveled back inside the building. On his way to his 5th period, he decided he didn't need to sit through the endless curse of math class that day. He exited the school building under the excuse that there was a family emergency and it was critical that he go immediately. Suga usually hated lying but sometimes it was necessary.

He found his car and drove off campus. Suga decided the only thing that could satisfy his emotions were McDonalds french fries, a large Coke and an Oreo McFlurry. So he drove to the nearest McDonalds and got just that.

Once he reached home, he greeted his family with a smile and locked himself in his room. Once he closed the door, he drifted to his bed and collapsed onto it. He fixed his pillows to support his back, surrounded himself in blankets and reached for the remote to the TV, which stood on the dresser across from the bed. Suga flipped to Amazon Prime and searched for a movie that would release his emotions. He clicked play on the first episode of Banana Fish and settled in, grabbing a finger full of fries and shoving them in his mouth.

After 5 episodes, Suga checked his watch. School ended 20 minutes ago, but he didn't care. He put his hand down and continued to watch the show playing in front of him. After another 2 episodes and some yelling at the screen, Suga heard a light knock at his door. He lowered the volume just enough so that his yell of permission to enter could be heard. He turned the volume back up and focused his eyes back onto the screen.

"You weren't at school after lunch," Suga paused the show immediately and looked over at Daichi, standing in the doorway, "I was kinda worried."

"Yea I wasn't feeling good so I came home," You say taking a sip from your Coke. He looked at you skeptically.

"You weren't feeling well...so you left school early to get McDonalds fries and a Coke?" Suga picked up his McFlurry, took out a spoonful and pointed it at him with a straight face.

"And a McFlurry. Oreo this time," Then put the spoonful of frozen cream and cookie in his mouth and smiled. Daichi sighed and pointed at the TV.

"Are you trying to go into another week-long depresso state? Because last time was hard enough to handle," he says, walking further into the room.

Yes. Yes, in fact, I am. But you don't and won't know that. Suga thought to himself while inserting a fry into his mouth.

"No, I just wanted to admire Ash again before he died for a second time," he lied, but only half joking about Ash. Suga did find him very attractive.

"I guess that's a good excuse. Mind if I sit?" Daichi gestured to the open space on the bed next to Suga. Suga nodded and shifted over, so that the taller male could fit. Suga offered some of the last remaining fries and Daichi gratefully accepted. Suga reached for the remote and resumed the episode.

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