~IwaOi~ "Do you think this will answer your question?" (1)

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Toru Oikawa was not a naturally born talented volleyball player. He loved the game, so he practiced. He practiced day and night to get where he is now. For years and years he used any and all of his free time to build fitness and sharpen his skill. By his 3rd year at Aoba Johsai High School, he had perfected his jump float serve and his sets were perfect each and every time.

And as his wing spiker and (lesser known) vice-captain, I couldn't ask him for more. I've always admired his perseverance and dedication to the game and how it shows in games; he's the best setter I've ever had. We've been playing together since middle school so we have a close bond, on and off the court. He's my best bro and I hope we stay friends. The only thing is that goddam, ever-persistent knack for complaining...

"Iwaaaa, It's too hot! Let's go to the pool, we can bring the rest of the team, too!" Stated the over-dramatic brown haired guy whom happened to be walking through the school gates next to me. School had ended and volleyball practice had been cancelled due to the heat so, we and the rest of the team, were free for the day. A bead of sweat licked down my neck as I pulled out my phone to see how hot it had gotten since I checked it this morning. 

Damn, 36 degrees. Maybe the pool is a good idea. I put my phone back into my pocket and rolled up my sleeves, trying to feel the slight gust of wind on my biceps.

"The pool sounds like a good idea. You text the team," Oikawa nodded and texted the group chat. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket a few times and assumed some of the guys had already  responded.

"So far Hanamaki, Watari and Kyotani are also very keen on the idea," Oikaway informed me.

"Alright let's go home and change while we wait for the rest to respond," I suggested. Oikawa agreed and we went our separate ways.

My pale blue swim trunks made little noise as I walked into the pool area. The 2 pepperoni pizzas I was holding were soon spirited away by Yahaba and brought over to the table where they were soon hopelessly surrounded by the other 11 boys. From what I could see, most of the team could make it. It was a big pool though, so I was sure we wouldn't cause that much of a fuss.
           I wasn't hungry so I stripped off my white Vans 'Off The Wall' shirt and made my way to the pool's edge. I stood above the 6 feet of water and stared down, waiting for the motivation to dive in. But, before I could realize what was happening, 2 hands were pushing hard against my back and I was flying through the air.

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