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Draco's POV:

"Draco!" A soft, familiar voice called.

"Hm." I responded not even opening my eyes.

"Wake up we're here!" She called.

"Here? Where?"
       I sat up.

"Hogwarts silly. Come on now." She shook my arm.
       Ron came over to our cabin and gestured her to get up. Harry was behind him.

"Let's go (y/n), why bother with that git." Ron told her with a rather disturbed look.
       He put his arm on her shoulder and moved her in the direction of the door.

"Watch it, Weaslebee," I said in a disgusted manner as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Calm down!" She said pushing both of us away.

"You both are such a pain," she shook her head and stormed out of the train.
      Ron and I gave each other a rude look. Harry who was standing behind him had a stupid, confused look plastered on his hideous face.  Everyone exited the train and stood outside waiting for further directions.

"They've been enemies for 6 years now! It makes me furious!" I overheard (y/n) tell Hermione.
     I looked away as I saw her turning to look in my direction.
        Everyone began to walk into the great hall where we had to sit through the stupid ceremony of welcoming the first years. I stared at her the whole time from across the room. She welcomed all the new Hufflepuffs with a big smile on her face whereas I didn't even turn to look at the new Slytherins.
        After an eternity we were finally told we could head to our dorms. I took this as an opportunity to talk to (y/n).

"(Y/n)!" I called as I ran over to her.

"What do you want Draco?" She muttered.

"I was wondering...wait come over here!" I pulled her into the hallway. "Let's sneak out tonight. Go to Hogsmeade and have some fun, eh?" I did a little dance.

"You must be joking," she laughed. "Besides, it's barely our first day here. I don't want to get off to a bad start with Dumbledore."

"I suppose you're right. Tomorrow then?"

"No!" She laughed again. "If I don't wanna get off to a bad start what makes you think tomorrow would be any better?"

"I don't know maybe because tomorrow isn't the first day anymore." I shrugged.

"You're so stupid," she jokingly rolled her eyes. "This whole first week is basically the start of our year. You don't want anyone to get a bad impression." She told me.

"Please, your acting like this is our first year here. Everybody knows our personalities and what we're about. No need to change ourselves now."

"I suppose so...but still! Can you ever take no for an answer?"

"," I smirked.

"I hate you," she gave a breathy laugh.

"Can I walk you to your dorm?" I fidgeted with my feet.

"I don't see why not," she sighed.
        I wrapped my arm around her and we started walking. We didn't speak a word, I just admired her beauty in the silence of the cold night. When we got there we were both exhausted from the day. My eyes were drooping and I looked like more like a zombie than a wizard.

"Hey (y/n)," I said.

"Yes, Draco?" She replied.

"Could I...possibly spend the night here? My room is far from here and I am very tired."

"No." She said with no expression.
My eyes widened and my head went back creating a double chin.

"I'm only joking. Don't take everything so seriously!" She slapped my chest playfully and stepped into her room. "Just don't bother me."

"Sounds good," I nodded and I stepped into her room.

"You can sleep on the couch," she said, sounding more and more tired by the minute.

"The couch?"

"What? Would you rather sleep on the floor?"

"No, I was just hoping you'd say your bed," a small smirked formed on my face.

"Get out!" She hit my shoulder.

"Ouch." I smirked.
She handed me a soft, white blanket and went behind the curtain to change. I fell over on the couch and laid there with my thoughts as I played with my hair. She came out from behind the curtain in short pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"Night, Draco." She said as she walked over to her bed.
I couldn't help but stare at her beauty.

"Night," I responded.
She fell asleep fairly quickly where as I fell asleep several hours later. There was nothing for me to do but stare at the ceiling and think. Really all I thought about was her. Her laugh, her smile, her walk, her sass. I wanted her badly, I just didn't know how to say it.

[A/n: hope you like this first chapter. I will be updating this regularly until the story is finished. Please vote if you enjoyed this part and leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments. thanks for reading - K]

[A/n several months later: ok I kinda hate everything about this but I swear it gets better in the later chapters]

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