Chapter 9

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A good song to accompany this chapter : 😂😂😂

I opened my eyes again. I hoped the recent events in my life were just one bad dream, but the room I awoke in proved otherwise. I groaned as I sat up, holding my aching head.

"W-what happened...?" I stuttered through sharp inhales of breath. My lungs stung each time, my entire body ached, too.

Jake and Aaron began to explain every detail, and the memories finally came flooding back, making me jump at the harshness of this day. It really hadn't been a good one.

"But.... Why?" I asked, curious.
"How? It was a bottle of water, for gods sake!" I heaved.

The two guys glanced at each other.

"This has happened before.." Aaron began. "They do it to show you who's in charge, why you shouldn't mess with them. You're lucky you only took a few sips.."

Aaron shifted on his feet and then knelt back down next to my bed.

"The last guy.. He- he... Died..." Aaron trailed off, turning his head from me and gently scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh..." I uttered, unsure what to say to that.

Suddenly, death burst in through the door. He saw me laying weak in bed, Jake and Aaron by my side. He chuckled, happily, like someone had told him a really funny joke.

"I see you discovered the little present I left you," he grinned wickedly.

I lifted a weak hand and wiggled my middle finger in the direction of death. With a swift movement of his hand, the searing burn began to scold my scalp. I began to scream, snacking my head against the brick wall behind me. Death laughed once more.

He left another tray consisting of one piece of bread and another bottle of water.

"This is all you'll be having, Alex. Take it or leave it. This will last a week, hopefully you would have learnt respect for the other staff around here by then." He giggled

He went to close the door behind him, but quickly dived back in again.

Oh, yes. You two will have your food later. Yours will not be poisoned, but if you are caught sharing yours with Alex then you will receive the same treatment." He smiled, creepily, leaving the room.

As he left, I let out a sigh of relief. I looked to the guys.

"Sorry, Alex, you heard what he said. This place is probably bugged, anyway! Just ride it out, ok? It's only a week." Jake said politely, stroking my hair before he and Aaron made their way back to their beds.

This was going to be a LONG week....

the mental asylum rejectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon