chapter 5

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Before I had a chance to think, to even show any emotion of any kind, Death clicked his fingers and was stood behind me with an icy cold hand on my shoulder. I gulped, closing my eyes, trying to think that I was imagining all of this, that it was all some kind of sick, twisted dream and I was fast asleep, in bed at home, safe and comfortable. Sadly, there was no such luck. Death clicked his fingers once more, and as I opened my eyes, I saw the dull corridor scene of the asylum slowly disapear before my eyes. Just like that, everything went dark. Slowly, I opened my eyes. Me and Death were stood outside of a large iron gate, that looked like it reached the clouds, by how tall it was. I tried to look up to the sky, but all I could see was a red and black misty haze. I lifted a hand to itch my eyes, but something tugged on my arm, sharply, stopping me from doing so. I looked down to see yet ANOTHER chain, clamping my wrists together so tightly that I thought they were gonna bleed from the pressure. I looked down at my hands, and noticed that they were a pastel white colour, and my wrists were a painfull purple-pink mix. I turned my head to get a look at what death was doing. He typed some sort of code into a keypad, next to the gate, and it suddenly swung open, making me jump.

Death dropped his smirk. He quickly became very serious. He grabbed my arm, shoving me inside through the gate and into the swirly haze of fog, where my fate awaited me....

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