Chapter 12: The Rescue

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Fuli looked up anxiously at Anga as the martial eagle continued to soar through the air, the herbs that Makini had given her earlier really did help keep her strength up from her and Kion's unexpected tussle. The stinging from her wounds had longed stopped, though they occasionally throbbed a little when Fuli put pressure on it. But other than that, Fuli could've cared less about her wounds, for she was too focused on finding Kion. Makini and the rest of the Lion Guard were right behind her. Fuli turned towards the setting sun, worry crept inside her belly. It's been almost a day, and we still haven't found another way into the tunnels! Kion could be dead by then... She quickly pushed the dark thought away. We need to keep looking. We have to get Kion out before it's too late.

"Anything, Anga?" Fuli asked.

"Nothing yet, sorry," Anga called out.

Fuli sighed exasperatedly. Great Kings of the Past, help us please...

"You think Kion will be happy to see us?" Bunga asked.

"What do you mean? Of course he would," Beshte replied. "He must've been worried about us just as much as we are worried about him?"

"Even after earlier?" Bunga pressed. "How can we be sure?"

"Kion's our friend," Beshte said. "He'll be glad to see us, he'll especially be overjoyed to know that Fuli is alive and that he didn't kill her."

Fuli glanced at Beshte gratefully, hoping that his reassurance would help convince Bunga.

"Fuli!" Anga cried. Everyone looked up at Anga. Her eyes flashed bright violet as she took another look at what she had found. "I think I found another way into the tunnels!"

"Great!" Fuli said, a wave of relief swept through her. "Come on, everyone!" The Guard rushed after Anga as she led them towards the other entrance. Anga landed beside it as everyone caught up.

"There," Anga pointed at the entrance, which Fuli could now clearly see it was a den. Little trinkets including some small pebbles, shiny rocks, feathers, shells, and twigs were scattered neatly inside the entrance and around the corners. Fuli took a step forward and peeked inside, she spotted a small nest and more objects decorated inside. This is someone's den...

"This looks like someone lives here," Beshte said, as if reading Fuli's thoughts. "Maybe we should look for a different way in?"

Bunga peeked inside and stepped right in, he looked around as if to admire the den.

"Bunga, get back here!" Fuli hissed.

"Hmm, kinda nice," Bunga commented, nodding his head. "Whoever lives here sure knows how to make a den." Fuli rolled her eyes and was about to step into the den to grab Bunga out, but then she caught a familiar whiff of something, or someone. Fuli backed away and sniffed around the entrance, her eyes widened and she gasped. Kion!?

She sniffed the den again. "Guys, Kion was here!"

"Really?" Bunga asked. "So he made this den?"

"No! I mean Kion went through here!" Fuli said.

"He did?"Makini gasped.

"Are you sure?" Beshte asked. Fuli padded around the area, hoping to catch Kion's scent again. Then she found it, her heart fluttered with joy. That means he's alive somewhere! Kion's scent was mingled with another scent she didn't recognized, but whoever it was, she and the Guard will make sure he or she doesn't lay a claw on Kion.

"This way!" Fuli commanded. "Anga, see if you can spot anything!"

Anga nodded. "Yep. Anga Len-"

The Lion Guard: Friends to the End AU {HALLOWEEN SPECIAL🎃}Where stories live. Discover now