Chapter 11: Free

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I may or may not have developed a sudden obsession with Lomri and I may or may not have deemed her as my new favorite TLG OC...

"So scars are apparently bad luck from where you come from, huh?" Lomri asked, continuing her way in the tunnels.

"Yeah," Kion replied, staying right behind her and near the wall. He didn't feel so blind anymore, now that he had Lomri as a guide. Her tip on staying near the walls was very helpful too. Soon I'll be free. Then I can go find my friends and apologize to them for what I did.

"Seems kinda dumb if you ask me," Lomri admitted. "What's so wrong with having a few scars? Scars mean you went through something tough in the past, survived it, and came out stronger. Others shouldn't have to fear that, they should respect that. I respect that, more so admire."

Kion stared at Lomri, surprised. Huh... I've... never really thought of it that way... 

For a long time, he and his family had always viewed scars as bad luck. In fact, everyone from the Pride Lands saw and taught that scars were a bad omen and a sign of evil. I guess not everyone thinks that way out here. Apparently, some think that they're "cool."

For once in his entire life since he got it, the scar didn't seem like a big deal anymore. It didn't embarrass him made him feel uncomfortably self-conscious. In fact, he almost felt a bit proud, now. I mean, which other lion in history had managed to defeat an evil spirit of one of the most evil lions from the past, and still managed to make it out alive?  

"Why do you make such a big deal about that one scar on your eye anyway?" Lomri went on. "I don't make a big deal with my eye and ear scar." She cracked a proud smirk. "Quick story, got these bad boys from a fight trying to chase an intruder who entered my den one time."

"My great uncle Scar had a scar like mine," Kion began hesitantly.

"Huh, you don't say," Lomri chuckled sarcastically.

"Scar was an evil lion," Kion continued. Now Lomri fell silent. "He killed my grandfather, tricked my dad into exiling himself as a cub, and he had taken over the role as King of my home. His reign was terrible, he forced the Pride to overhunt, he had the whole place overrun with hyenas. Everything and everyone was dying, there were terrible sicknesses that almost couldn't be cured and most of the herds had all moved on, leaving the place barren."

"Really?" Lomri asked, interested with the story. "What happened next?"

"My mom brought my dad back many years later and they rebelled against Scar and the hyenas, along with the rest of the Pride," Kion continued on. "My dad killed Scar and the hyenas fled to the Outlands, and my dad then became the King with my mom as Queen. But then, Scar's hyenas' descendants, Janja, his clan, and a bunch of other Outlanders summoned Scar's spirit in a volcano. Ever since, he has been ordering the Outlanders to destroy me, my dad, my friends, and the Pride Lands. Then, as we were battling for the final time, Scar ordered a snake to bite me, giving me this scar. I eventually destroyed Scar, and all the Outlanders surrendered."

"And the rest is history," Lomri finished off for him.

"Yeah," Kion agreed. "That's why this scar is a big deal, it symbolizes evil. The Royal Majuzi told me the only way to cure my scar is to go to the Tree of Life. Another one of my friends needed healing there, too. He lost his sight during the final battle against Scar."

"Oh, poor thing," Lomri whispered. "Must be really hard for him."

"Yeah, life has gotten a little hard for him..."

"I'm sure he'll get his sight back when you reach the Tree of Life."

"I hope so. Ever since he went blind, he's been pretty bummed up."

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