Chapter 6: Swallowing Shadows

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Obviously, try to pretend it's Kion singing

Kion groaned under his breath as he opened his eyes. He looked around nervously, squinting as he tried to make out his surroundings, but he saw nothing but an endless tunnel of darkness. I'm trapped... Grunting, he pushed himself upward, his paws and bones ached as he dragged his legs out of the rocks. Dried blood caked the edges of Kion's scratches. I'm surprised the rocks didn't squish me to death...

Once he was free, Kion began to slowly pad away from the rocks. He looked at where the entrance used to be, the rocks had completely blocked it. 

"No way out..." Kion muttered to himself. Will the Guard come and save me? Kion scoffed and shook his head. Fat chance. Why would they? I killed our friend, why would they help me? They're probably glad that I'm gone. And Fuli... She's probably still looking for a way to punish me...

Guilt swept over him and Kion began to cry again. "How could I do this...?" he cried. "How could I kill my friend when all she did was try to help. They all did... And I got mad at them, I've brought shame to my role as leader..." 

Kion sniffed, but then coughed. He looked around again, his eyes widened with fear as he tried to keep his breath stable. He felt as if he was now suffocating, the dark air choking the breath out of him. I can't stay here! I got to get out of here, but how? There's no way out...

Kion coughed again, then sighed heavily. He felt weak and empty. The rocks were tightly packed together, there was no way he could move them, especially now with his current state. He could blast them away with his Roar, but that would most likely make the situation worse, plus he didn't have the energy nor the motivation to do it. He slumped down, his head on his paws. The rocks should've killed me, I deserve to die after what I've done... Fuli and Bunga are right. I am just like Scar... I'm nothing but evil...

Stuck alone, swallowing shadows
Everything I've ever held close has crumbled
Broken hearts...
I'm at a crossroad
Do I swallow my pride, stay and hide,
Or face my friends, look them all in the eyes
To a history of shame
Smeared names, who's to blame?
I'm trapped in the flames
Of her death,
That I cast...

All I ever wanted was to be something more,
My family, my friends, the Guard, its all I lived for...
My lungs scream for air, but how can I bare,
To know that I am wicked down to the core...
How can I just go free, when everything inside of me
Has been nothing but a fabricated reality?
I thought I knew my place,
But that's all been erased
I'm going to die down here
I'm running out of breathing space...

All bloody, minds flooded in a lake of doubt
Will I be punished if I ever find my way out?
Are my ancestors watching now,
From up in the clouds?
As I tumble and I fumble deeper down into this tunnel,
Did they know all along despite it being wrong
That destiny can go beyond what rules were set upon
Do my actions matter where they came from,
Or is it something that we should be numb from?
But when you push the explanations aside it doesn't hide the lie
How can I search and find the pride of killing my friend in cold blood?
How could I have been misguided?
Ripped away quick like a cub from his mother as I split from my friends
And its getting darker and I have to wonder,
Am I destined to go under,
For all the sins I have covered?

All I ever wanted was to be something more
But now that I am wicked straight to the core...
My lungs scream for air, but how can I bare,
To know I left her bleeding by that stream shore...
How can I just go through knowing what I had to do,
Meant the death of someone just to keep her mute
I should have known my place, she could have made the change,
She's going to die up there
I tore away her breathing space

All I ever wanted was to be something more
I know that I am wicked straight to the core
I left her bleeding out on that stream shore
My family, my friends, the Guard, it's all I lived for...

Stuck alone, swallowing shadows...
All bloody, minds flooded...
To a history of shame...
Do my actions matter where they come from?
Or is it something that I should be numb from?

All I ever wanted was to be something more,
But now I know that I am wicked straight to the core
I left her bleeding out on that stream shore
My family, my friends, the Guard, it's all I lived for...
Its all I lived for...
Its all I lived for...
Now I've got nothing to live for...

Kion buried his face into his paws, sniffling as another wave of tears came. I'm going to die here... And when I do, Fuli, Mufasa, and the rest of the spirits will make sure I go straight to Hell...

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