Taiji popped the balloon with no hesitation, the remains laid sadly on the floor.

"You're such a sadist, Tai-chan!" Oikawa managed to gather himself, "This guy really likes you!"

The manager was brimming with annoyance, "Don't they have anything better to do? I don't have time for this."

"You get confessed to, like, twice a month," Hanamaki pointed out, "Isn't there at least one that you liked back?"

"I'm not going to date someone that I don't know," Taiji rolled her eyes as she threw away the deflated balloon, "I have to actually know you before I can even like you, right?"

"Does that mean you already like someone?" Matsukawa teased, "Are they on our team?"

Taiji may have said nothing, but the tips of her ears were bright red.

"You do like someone!" Iwaizumi grinned, "Why didn't you tell me!" 

"No, I don't!" Taiji pushed the volleyball players out of her class, "The bell is about to ring! I'll see you guys later."

Taiji closed the door on her teammates, only to be cornered by her own classmates.

"Is it Iwaizumi? Or Matsukawa?" Her classmate, Aki grinned, "Or do you like younger boys?" 

"Or is it Oikawa-san?"

Taiji's face was flushed at this point.

"I don't have a crush on anyone!"


The other third-years could hear Taiji being interrogated as they walked away.

"She definitely likes someone from our team," Hanamaki laughed.

Throughout the whole exchange, Oikawa had remained silent.

He wasn't sure what it was, but something didn't sit right with him.
The thought of Taiji with someone else.

'Maybe I'm just being overprotective,' He mumbled to himself. 

Or maybe, it was something else.


"Maybe she already has a secret boyfriend," Matsukawa whispered as they watched Taiji talk to Oikawa, "He's probably super handsome."

Hanamaki scratched his neck  "I don't know, she doesn't seem like she's into anyone?"

"Oi, stop gossiping about Taiji," Iwaizumi scolded.

"But aren't you curious?" the messy-haired spiker grinned, "Taiji has never been interested in anyone."

"Do cheeseburgers count?"


Taiji could hear the boys bantering back and forth, "Those idiots are probably still at it,"

Oikawa grinned, "It's only normal, Tai-chan. You've rejected so many dudes in the past 3 years that we never thought you'd even like someone."

"You're one to talk," Taiji grinned, "You've dated quite a few of your fans,"

She may joke about it, but Taiji never did like any of the girls that Oikawa went out with. They were always glaring and trying to convince the tall captain to spend less time with her.

 "Oh well," The tall captain laughed, "They probably only dated me for the popularity,"

That didn't sit right with Taiji.
Not one bit.

She remembered the nights that Oikawa came to her door, clenching his phone. 
He may not have been upset at all of them, but there were a few that hurt him. 
There were a few that had her sitting with him under the moon for hours, just listening to music.

"Shouldn't you date someone that you truly like?" She subconsciously clenched her fist, "What's the point if you're just going hurt the other person?"

Taiji hated every moment of it, seeing him upset over someone else.
It left a sour feeling in her chest.


"Tooru," Taiji unclenched her fist, "Promise me that the next person you date, is someone who really likes you."


"Date someone who loves you for you." She exasperated, "I'm tired of seeing you upset over someone who used you."

"So promise me, you'll find someone that you love, and loves you back."

Taiji had no idea why she was blurting this all out, but Oikawa seemed to understand.



The other third-years watched Taiji smile at Oikawa, it was so obvious now.

Taiji did have a crush on someone.

Best Friend (Oikawa Tooru X OC)Where stories live. Discover now