5 - Wanna Play Mermaids?

Start from the beginning

Eventually we caught our breath and she began insisting that I keep her painting. I tried to say no, but she wouldn't allow it. What she didn't know, however, was that I planned to 'accidentally' leave mine there, so she could keep mine as well.

After I finally took her painting, I couldn't help but ask to see another.

"Please? Just one?" I pleaded.

"Harry, I don't show anyone this kind of stuff. You're lucky I even showed you this one," she replied sternly.

"I know, but I'm special, okay? You literally gave me one of your paintings, I think that warrants you showing me at least one more." She couldn't argue with that.

She grabbed a painting out of the stack that was propped against the wall behind the table, hesitant to show it to me. I was glad when she did, however.

The story she told me was captivating. Like I said, when she actually decided to speak, it was always something heavy, something you couldn't forget. I laughed at her story, and I was glad that she had told me. It gave me a glimpse of her family and the things that she loved. It was nice to listen to her talk for so long.

As soon as her story was finished, I was already wondering when I'd hear another one.


Everyone arrived at my house a little later than Charlotte and I had. Isabel walked through the door, a bottle of liquor in each hand, and I was actually excited to be hanging out with everyone for the second night in a row.

Mitch and Sarah walked in behind her, also packing loads of alcohol, and I wondered if Charlotte would let herself go and have a good time again tonight. Not because she'd be drinking, but because she deserved it. She's worth a lot more than she realizes.

Adam walked in last, a large stack of pizzas in his hand. After we all ate and made drinks, we made our way to the pool. Charlotte immediately jumped in and I watched her sink into the water, her hair floating around her. She floated on her back while Adam and Sarah walked in through the steps, like normal people.

I sat on the edge of the pool, letting my feet dangle in the water as I took in the scene around me. Isabel put on some music and everyone was engaged in their own conversations. It was nice to just sit back and watch. I noticed Adam and Isabel throw their heads back in laughter when I felt water splash my face.

I looked down to see Charlotte trying to hold in a smile as I looked at her sternly.

"What was that for?" I asked. She could've let me change into my swim trunks first.

"Wanna play mermaids?" I started laughing at the joke, but realized she was being serious when I looked back down and realized she wasn't laughing.

"Oh, you're serious?" I realized, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, I'll tell you how it works when you get in," she replied and I couldn't hold back my laughter. I ran inside to change quickly, running back outside and jumping in the pool just as she had a few minutes before.

"So, the first rule is that you have to swim like a mermaid, obviously. Then we're both going to race across the pool like mermaids. Whoever wins is the best mermaid. But I suggest you practice a bit, because I have a lot of experience," she stated, very seriously.

It was so stupid, but she was taking it very seriously and I didn't want to burst her bubble. I immediately began swimming under the water, making sure to keep my feet together like a tail. It was a lot harder than I'd expected it to be, and I wondered how on earth I was going to beat her.

I stood up and slicked back my hair, the upper half of my body now out of the water, and looked around for her, ready to race. I found her standing in the pool near Isabel and Sarah.

"Hey, you ready to race? I think I'm doing pretty good swimming like a mermaid, if I do say so myself," I called out to her, the three girls immediately bursting out into laughter. I was a bit confused, were we not racing anymore?

"Um, hello? Are we gonna-" I stopped talking, realizing this had been her plan the whole time. "Oh, okay. I see what you did there, that was very funny, ha ha." I said sarcastically, which only caused them to laugh even harder. I was just lucky that Mitch didn't see me or I would've never heard the end of it.


The pool party was a lot of fun. Toward the end of the night, Mitch and I had gotten out our guitars and we all sang a few songs. It wasn't unusual for us to all get together and hang out like that, but it was nice to have Charlotte there this time. I knew it'd be a while before I saw her again because we'd both have work, but I was already eager to hang out with her again.

Once everyone left, I finished cleaning up the kitchen, making my way to my bedroom and grabbing my guitar and Charlotte's painting along the way. I couldn't stop thinking of the painting Charlotte had shown me and the story she told with it.

I hung her painting on the wall across from my bed, laughing at the jellyfish cloud, before I sat on the bed, preparing to write a song.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed seeing things from Harry's perspective! I made playlists for Harry and Charlotte which I'll drop below so you can listen while you read, or just listen :)

Charlotte's Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/73Qdl4x2PZKolLyx88PV1e?si=oir6hvTCSvyXK7rjGfw4CQ

Harry's Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HrNckhpTUbMMJG4HtYnC4?si=1ngwH5yxRleQqdg1Edyz1w

I know things might be a bit on the boring side, but things will be picking up soon, so put on your seatbelts!

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